Increasing PH


Jul 8, 2022
Crestview, FL
Good morning! My PH has been increasing every day to 7.8-8.0 and I have been adding MA everyday to decrease it back down to 7.6. Yesterday morning I tested and added MA (I think about 20 oz), retested after an hour and it was at 7.6. This morning I tested and it was at 8.0. I am not sure what is causing this. We have had very sunny weather and the pool is in full sun everyday. The pool heater is on as it has been getting cooler at night. My TA has been between 60-70. This morning it was at 80. Do I just need to keep adding MA everyday or is there something else I should be doing? Am I worried about nothing? Also, the Pool Math App is saying my target CH should be 450. My CH has stayed steady all summer at 270. Should I be concerned about my CH being on the low end of the recommended level? Below are my test results from early this morning. I use liquid Chlorine.

FC 9.0
CC 0
PH 8.0
TA 80
CH 270
CYA 60
Your CH is fine. Leave it. Not sure why pool math wants you to increase it, but don't.

I would bring the TA down to 60 ppm using the acid/aeration method found in Pool School. I believe it will reduce your pH adjustments

How does your water look?
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