I'm SLAMmin' in the Rain!


Silver Supporter
Apr 27, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I've SLAMmed all day and have had minimal drops and kept the FC at 16 (40CYA) with a few small additions. CC has been at .5 the entire time. Broomed the entire pool multiple times. Heading to bed and it's started dumping outside.

Should this impact the results of the OCL test? I'm assuming if I pass the OCL, the rain is irrelevant, right? If I fail and it continues to rain, should I keep SLAMming or wait to resume once the weather breaks?

Bing...slamming in the rain:
Great picture ... gives Richard a run for his money :)

If you pass, that is great. If you fail, might be able to blame the rain ... depends if you are getting junk flowing into the pool.

Keep it up the best you can
Haha! Slamming in the rain. It might affect OCLT, depending on the dirtiness of the drops hitting the pool. Any trees above? Strange power plant? Anyone with serious BO nearby?

OCcuLT test IMHO should be performed on a night without anticipated chlorine vampire activity ...
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