High fc and cc?


Active member
May 18, 2022
Hays ks
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-9)
Hello This is my 1st pool I'm trying to learn all this by reading. I started off by opening my pool with shock and I must have shocked it too much and it was at level 16 of free chlorine. I turned the chlorine off and let the pool set I finally got it down to a 5. This took about 4 days. I haven't been able to swim due to weather and I put the cover back on for a week. I feel like I can smell chlorine so I tested with my taylor titration and I think it is showing that my free combine chlorine is .4 My question is how can your chlorine level be at 5 but still have a high combined chlorine? I just added one pound of pool shock because that's all I had left. I have a 24000 gallon pool.
I so appreciate your help.
Hello Val, welcome to TFP :)

When you cover the pool continuously, the sun's UV rays can't burn off the CCs that develop normally from chlorine degradation when killing the cooties. You should open the pool and turn it on to mix for about an hour before testing.

How are you testing? Which kit?
Some reading for you-
ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry
Recommended Levels
FC/CYA Levels

Maddie :flower:
Hello Val, welcome to TFP :)

When you cover the pool continuously, the sun's UV rays can't burn off the CCs that develop normally from chlorine degradation when killing the cooties. You should open the pool and turn it on to mix for about an hour before testing.

How are you testing? Which kit?
Some reading for you-
ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry
Recommended Levels
FC/CYA Levels

Maddie :flower:
Hello Maddie! My pump runs 24/7
I have the cover off and will leave it off for a while thanks for telling me that period I have a Taylor K - 2006 testing kit
More thoughts- we don't use granular chlorine due to the other ingredient it adds to the water. You'll end up with either too much CYA Stabilizer or too much calcium.

Can you tell me these values?
Salt if applicable

Maddie :flower:
So you use store liquid cholrine?
Fc 5
CC .4
Ph 7.6
TA 110
I don't remember the calcium and I can't test the CYA because I am waiting for the reagent to get here
No, I personally use a salt cell. Whenever I need instant increase in FC I do use liquid chlorine, as the salt cell works too slowly and I don't want to risk algae waiting.

Start using 10cc of water for your FC/CC test, so each drop equals 0.5. Count your drops and divide by two. This saves on reagent.

Get that CYA level pronto. We need to know if your FC is at the right level based on your CYA level.
See--> FC/CYA Levels
No, I personally use a salt cell. Whenever I need instant increase in FC I do use liquid chlorine, as the salt cell works too slowly and I don't want to risk algae waiting.

Start using 10cc of water for your FC/CC test, so each drop equals 0.5. Count your drops and divide by two. This saves on reagent.

Get that CYA level pronto. We need to know if your FC is at the right level based on your CYA level.
See--> FC/CYA Levels
So I generally don't use these but I have these test strips I think the CYA is OK here is a picture


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Unfortunately test strips are notoriously inaccurate, so we can't give advice based on those. I'd keep your FC about 5ppm or so as much as you can until you get more CYA testing reagent and can get a bit of a more accurate test. :)
I went to my pool store which I don't have very good faith in but I went there anyways.I am just so confused. Everyone I go there they tell me my alkalinity is way too low. My taylor kit shows 120 and the test strip the same. Here is a picture of what their computer shows. She told me to put 22lbs in!


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Here is a picture of what their computer shows. She told me to put 22lbs in!
Of course she did. I bet she has something pricey to sell you when they make the TA go up too high also. Come back next week and we'll sell you the stuff to raise it again !!

Trust your test kit.

Use your CYA reading to get it to 30.

Manage the PH and the TA will fall in line on its own.

Follow the FC/CYA Levels and steer clear of minimim at all times.
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Be sure the drops from your test kit are the right size. Bottle should be held up and down, completely vertical, and the drop should fall off with a gentle squeeze if needed. One of the tests has issues with static electricity building up in the dropper tip as well, so I would recommend wiping the tip with a damp cloth / paper towel before you start and after each drop for a little while. Try the TA test again and see what you get. If it's still 110 then you can chalk up the pool store as "that's why we say don't go to pool stores"
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Ok. Well it has that cholrine smell. The pool store lady said it was because my alkalinity is too low even though my tests shows ok. My cc was .2 so I still think it's that
I can't see how alkalinity would make any discernable difference to the smell of a pool. Seems like something a mis-trained pool store employee might say.

CC of 0.5 or less usually isn't a cause for concern. Did you get more CYA reagent yet, and have you been able to test that?
I can't see how alkalinity would make any discernable difference to the smell of a pool. Seems like something a mis-trained pool store employee might say.

CC of 0.5 or less usually isn't a cause for concern. Did you get more CYA reagent yet, and have you been able to test that?
Nooo still waiting. It's being shipped. The pool store doesn't carry that. It's kind of a weird smell it's kind of like chlorine but also kind of sweet smelling.
Nooo still waiting. It's being shipped. The pool store doesn't carry that. It's kind of a weird smell it's kind of like chlorine but also kind of sweet smelling.
It has smelled that way since we uncovered the pool from last year I only swam in it one month last year and never smelled that. I'm almost thinking like it's an antifreeze smell but we used marine grade antifreeze
Finally got the reagent my cya is 55. I don't know how to get it lower. I added water a few days ago and it raines a couple inches yesterday
Finally got the reagent my cya is 55. I don't know how to get it lower. I added water a few days ago and it raines a couple inches yesterday
55 isn't too high. Leave it alone and it'll slowly drop on its own over the season. All you need to do is keep your FC slightly higher due to the elevated CYA.

Target FC of 5 and never let it drop below 4 and you'll be fine. CC below .5 is okay too. CC 1 or higher is where we start to get concerned.

As stated, the smell is likely CC. A sunny day or two with the pool uncovered should fix that. If not, let us know and we'll dig a little deeper.

FYI, my FC is currently 22 and it's doesn't smell like anything. A sanitary pool shouldn't smell like anything at all.

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