High bromine question


Well-known member
May 18, 2022
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I have an older Sundance Spa from early 2000's. This is my third season running it (first season separated from the pool store advice) and had a few questions. It's 390g capacity with an ozonator. Did a fresh refill a couple weeks ago and followed the 3-step bromine procedure outlined in the sticky post on this forum. All has been well except a couple of things: pH and Bromine level.

pH: I constantly get pH drifting high (up to 8-8.2). My TA started at 120ppm but now is at 80ppm due to me constantly adding a bit of muriatic acid to combat the pH drift. Someone suggested to lower TA down to about 60ppm to combat pH drift. Is this correct? I always have my air switches set to off when spa is not in use so it's mostly water that is pushed during the circulation cycles but is the pH drift still due to aeration from these cycle?

Bromine: So I have constantly been measuring bromine at around 6.5ppm and would like to drop this to a consistent 2-3ppm when spa is not used. My method of sanatization was to first establish a bromide bank when spa was refilled then immediately shock with liquid chlorine to activate bromine. I put a couple bromine pucks into the dispenser to maintain the bromine. When spa is used (for now about 2x a week - 3 people for about an hour soak each time), after soak I add about 3oz of 12% liquid chlorine to reactivate some bromine. But when spa goes unused for a few days it stays at a consistent 6.5ppm of bromine. I have been constantly closing the bromine dispenser starting from opening #4-5 and now down to opening #2 but this so far has had little impact (the opening is now about less then 1/2" on the bromine float dispenser). Should I keep closing this further?

When I opened my spa up before the refill, I noticed that the air tube that should be connected to the ozonator was either disconnected or fell off. I reattached it and now with the circulation pump running 24/7 with little bubbles coming out where the hot water comes out, every time I open the spa cover I get an initial smell that's a bit fruity/acidic which goes away fast. I am guessing that is the ozone I am smelling. Does the ozonator have an influence on reactivating bromide into bromine?
A quick update. I ended up adding 50ppm of borates using the borax + muriatic acid method to stabilize/lock in the pH. 24h after, I rebalanced the water and it's now sitting at TA=80ppm pH=7.5. going to see if this helps with the pH drift.

I've now closed the bromine dispenser down to #1 opening which is about 1/4 inch as my bromine level was still sitting at around 6.5 ppm. Any input on the bromine situation would be great. Not really understanding why closing the bromine dispenser from around a 1.5" opening to less then 1/2" isn't making a difference.
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