Hey there, my name is Scott.


New member
May 29, 2023
Livermore, CA
Hello folks, I've been a pool owner for about 20 years, it's all still a mystery to me. :oops:
We've always had someone maintain chemicals, I maintain pumps filters and cleaning of pool. Sometimes it works sometimes not, most of that is probably my fault for not spending the appropriate time to do my part to take care of the pool.
When it's cold and nobody is swimming its hard to get excited about skimming and brushing the pool.
There was solar on the roof when we bought the house, I spent time revamping and repairing the system, I had it working pretty good for a couple summers. Finally all the panels were past due and I could not keep up with the new leaks so I removed them.
We have a new roof now and I am thinking about in installing new panels and reconnecting to the filtration/pump system. I have an Inteliflo Variable speed pump, a Polaris booster and sweep, and a Helio-Matic 5000C solar controller with 3 way valve and actuator. Pool is approx. 24k gallons, about 550 sq. ft. of surface area.
I would like to automate all of this so it functions without issue and heats the pool when able.
I am in Livermore CA and we have lots of sun most of swim season so it should be doable. Although we get lots of breezy evenings which wicks the heat and water out of the pool.
I have been thinking about installing a Pentair Easy Touch PL4 controller to coordinate all the equipment but not sure if this is the best choice. Leaning toward Pentair since the pump is that brand but not committed to the brand if others will integrate with the VS pump and solar controller.
Also interested in opinions about solar panels, I have been looking at Swim Joy Industrial Grade panels, I like the idea of the headers not sitting on the roof and causing wear and tear.
I guess that was maybe a long intro but now you know what I know.


I would break your questions up, and post each to the correct forum. We have experts in each of the areas you have interest, automation, solar, pumps etc.