here we are again...


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Jun 22, 2014
Houston, Texas
I swore off the pool this year bc of the husband always telling me I am wrong or the info here is wrong. he talked me into taking it on with the express agreement that we would not argue. ha ha.
Soooo I believe that we have an algae problem but I want to confirm.
1. somehow the run time for the SWG had gotten switched to only 3 hours a day. Typing this, I realize the husband had messed with the timer during the winter when we had too much CL! timer is: 7 a to 7 p 1875: now 8:15 to 5:15 at 2500
2. NO algae in the usual places --
3. tests were fantastic last Sunday. steady 6 (and every other week)
4. test this a.m. it was 1!
5. added recommended bleach to bring up to 6.
6. Checked at 11:30 and 1:30 = 6. 7:30, 3.5!

Dumped a whole 128-oz bleach in there and will take the CL before bed. Am I right that losing 3ppm in 5 hours probably means algae? The husband doesn't want to dump 20 bottles of bleach into the pool (which is what we did last time) to cure the problem. he wants to buy that powder stuff. I told him no and he said what would it hurt this time? Plus we have company coming on the 1st and a party the 4th....sigh...

Show me a sign, TFP experts ... or at least a good argument!
SO: did two overnight tests. lost nothing first two nights. Last night .5, so from 9 to 8.5

Problem now is trying to regulate the SWG bc the number has been going up - obviously bc it's now running when it's supposed to and we had turned it up. Does anyone know how long it takes to level out? we bought a brand-new SWG last year and we had trouble with it. I would like to get it steady on like a 6 and see if it stays there to doubly be sure we have no algae.
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