Help! Frogs & Frog eggs everywhere!!!

Sep 15, 2009
OK, well thanks to everyone's advice we now have a clean and clear swimming pool. However, when we initially shocked the pool it was basically a mass murder on the local frog population.. We probably pulled out 4 or 500 dead tadpoles and close to 20 full grown frogs. We thought we had wiped them out, but we were wrong...

Every morning I check the pool out and skim it and every morning I see all of these little black dots that are everywhere. At first I thought it was just dirt, but after seeing (and hearing, ugh) all of the frogs that come out at night, I realize its either 1) Frog eggs or 2)Frog poo.

So after googling for an hour or so and realizing that everyone in the world is a frog lover and would like for me to let the eggs hatch and safely relocate each and every little frog, I come to you. I need to take back the pool from the frogs! Can you help me??


I suggest you have a meeting with the frogs this evening. Tell them you intend to elevate your level of chlorine by about 25% above normal, that you will be brushing frequently and running your pump (filtering) 24/7.

They are not the sharpest ones in the animal kingdom so you should further explain this environment you intend to create will not be conducive to raising a froggie family.

I would also suggest an alternative location for them......they don't seem to think well for themselves. Perhaps you could post a map near the edge of the pool pointing out the nearest pond or swamp.

This new environment you create will soon dispose of any current eggs (they have more) and I feel confident they will eventually get the message and move on.

Now, I have hundreds of toads all summer that jump in my pool at night. As we all know, toads are much dumber than frogs and I have been unable to communicate my wishes to them at all. Perhaps if you shipped me a few frogs I could get them to talk to the toads. :shock: :shock:
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My pool was literally a frog pond most of 2008. We let the little critters mature and move out of the pool before draining and acid washing. I even put a ramp and tree branches in the pool to assist them "escaping". Theses were small leopard frogs.

BIG MISTAKE.... Our copperhead population grew exponentially last summer. :shock: :cry: And we are still battling them. We catch, on average, one right at the house, weekly. About 20 so far this spring/summer. We have to keep the puppies out of the yards after dusk because of multiple bites this year.

If you have any venomous snakes in your area having a frog pond can draw them in. BTW..... we love the nonvenomous snakes and frequently have a 7 ft RatSnake in our garage. EDIT I corrected this from Rattlesnake to RatSnake.

I switched over to BBB last month and everything leveled out and beautiful. THANKS TFP Last week a frog laid a bundle, pod, or whatever you call it, attached to the line for the Aquabot. I removed them using a plastic glass and the whole bundle stayed together. Next day, another bundle "laid", attached to same location. DH (hubby) tried to pick bundle up with hand and the whole bundle came apart.

Haven't had any more laid since then so I guess we have smart frogs. :cheers:
Some real entertainment in this place, haha!!

Well, I am not seeing as many eggs as I was last week, but they are still aroundand I even found a few swimming tadpoles... The chlorine is going up today!! Also, we are going to try and catch as many frogs as we can over the next week or two and take them to some woods a few miles away. Hopefully we can start to make some round on the issue that way.
MikeInTN said:
geekgranny said:
BTW..... we love the nonvenomous snakes and frequently have a 7 ft Rattlesnake in our garage.

Uhhhh..granny? Aren't rattlesnakes venomous??? :shock:

OOPSssssssssss. :shock: :oops: I need to correct that to RatSnake. Thanks for pointing that out MikeInTN. :goodjob:

Rattlesnakes are but RatSnakes aren't. We have a few Rattlesnakes (and the dogs got their Rattlesnake Vaccine) but haven't had any GIANT ones since a few years after the Lake completed filling, early 90's. RatSnakes are long, skinny snakes, that eat mostly warm blooded varmints and birds. They get up to and a little above 7ft when mature. Although they do have pretty nasty temperaments they are sold and kept as pets by some snake lovers. We have a white and black banded California King Snake pet who has a very nice temperament. I don't know why anyone would want a RatSnake pet though. We, also, have a pretty nice population of Texas Coral Snakes, that average 30" when mature. I have one in my freezer, that we caught last year, right at the house foundation. It measures 40". May be a record. People usually only get a bite from them when handling them because their mouths are so small and they do not have hinging jaws like pit viper so they can't bite anything much bigger than a finger.


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During the summer, I had a small green frog that lived in my skimmer. I would remove him and throw him far away in the yard over the fence. He always came back. I plugged up the skimmer lid hole and he'd swim through the skimmer water level door. I run the Cl a little high 8-10 ppm and he slowly bleached to grey.
SBax said:
During the summer, I had a small green frog that lived in my skimmer. I would remove him and throw him far away in the yard over the fence. He always came back. I plugged up the skimmer lid hole and he'd swim through the skimmer water level door. I run the Cl a little high 8-10 ppm and he slowly bleached to grey.
Fantastic! Whether true or not, there's the beginning of a great short story here. What happened to the little grey frog?
Last summer, we began opening our pool for the summer season by taking the cover off. However, we had some delays in getting the chemicals into it, etc. So, one day, my boyfriend (Dan) was helping us out in cleaning the pool, and we noticed that there were a ton of tadpoles in the water! We spent the afternoon collecting them in the net and placing them in a bucket. We relocated them to the creek that runs behind our neighborhood. The next day, there was a frog in the pool. We caught it, and threw it into the backyard. The following day, there was yet another frog. This time, it was on the ladder (which was not yet in the pool), AND there were more tadpoles. This time, Dan took care of them. We proceeded to fill the pool and get it running, but all summer long, we kept getting frogs in the pool. Sometimes 2 or 3 in a day. They were almost all different in size or color, and in fact, we caught one to give as a gift to a friend's daughter. (she named him Phrog and he's still alive and kicking). We've always had trouble keeping the chlorine level in our pool up, and sometimes don't even really bother to keep it up as much as we should.
Now, this year, we drained the pool due to debris that got in it over the winter, and it caused the liner of the pool to wrinkle. Rather than trying to fix the wrinkles and THEN washing off the debris, my idiot brother decided to do exactly the opposite. So, now, we have about a foot of water in the pool and are unable to pull the liner and get the wrinkles out. UGH!
Anyways, this is about frogs...we've been hearing several frogs lately, but keep in mind, there's a creek not 20 feet from my backyard. Not that unusual. But, last night, one was exceptionally loud. So, I stepped outside and, sure enough, there was a frog in our pool. I wanted to catch it and give it to my friend as a second pet. However, by that time, it was too dark and I couldn't see to catch the lil guy....or girl. This morning, I went out to check on my froggie friend, only to find that it had vacated the pool. However, there were several small clusters of black dots. I knew instantly that they were frog eggs. Now, I'm wondering what to do. Can I relocate them to the creek without killing them, so I can fix my pool and have a cool place to hang out this summer??
As a sufferer from ranidaphobia, this concerns me greatly. One frog in the water and you will never catch me back again in that pool. I can't look at most of the websites that come up when I search for from deterrants because they normally have a picture of a frog somewhere and that is even too much for me.
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