Gap between concrete and liner

Apr 30, 2018
Rockland, MA
new to this forum. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I have a liner pool with a stamped concrete deck.
In a couple areas, there are gaps between the bottom of the concrete and the top of the vinyl (where I think the liner coping is).
The picture shows this at the skimmer, where the gap is due to that area of the deck lifting a bit from winter.

Do I need to fill this gap with something to prevent water from getting in there?

Thank you, Pedro
Welcome to the forum:wave:

You don't need to but you certainly can for aesthetics, if you like. The decking and the pool wall are intended to be separate to allow for minute movement. What little bit of water splashes into that crack is harmless enough but it is a good hiding place for black algae and other stuff if it stays damp enough.

I can't tell for sure but it appears your pool may be just a little overfilled. Does it come up more than halfway on the skimmer?
I see you are in Massachusetts. don’t seal the gap between concrete & liner. The concrete floats with our north eastern temperature cycles. If it is tied to wall, liner track or liner there will be damage. Particularly over fixed areas, like skimmer faceplates.

If you want to close the vertical cracks that’s fine.

Do not join any horizontal unlike materials with a mastic or adhesive.
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