Flow rate advice: Will a 2-speed Superpump produce adequate flow on low speed for SWG


The Century V-Green 165 variable speed motor is now installed! My old motor is still good but had a crack in the impeller. Its being reserved for emergency swap in winter as backup.

My first experimental setting seems to be working fine production wise, and given my debris load, I might not go any lower.

From 4 am to 10 am I'm running 2600 rpm - for my heater run up am temps.
From 10 am to Midnight I'm running at 1850 for swg and decent skimming action.
From Midnight to 4 am I'm running 1000 rpm.
I've also set an override at 3000 for "during night swim" heating boosts if needed.

Compared with 24/7 single speed run, this should net about a 75% reduction in energy.
But my old pump never seemed to use as much energy as te rating suggests it should, likely because I never turned it off. I don't know if the shift between rpms 3x a day will make for higher than expected use, but we shall see. I'm still running it 24/7 so there won't be the start-up/priming draw.
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