First time pool owner

Lou Solot

New member
Jul 21, 2020
Huntersville, NC
Hi all, excited to be here. We are awaiting our doughboy pool which will be partially buried and will be using the power ionizer system. Like.the title says, I'm new at this but a fast learner and reasonably good with chemistry. I'd like to avoid as many newbie mistakes as possible. As our pool has been backordered, I don't have all the specs at hand yet. Like I said, it's got the copper/silver ionizer and (I believe) a sand filter. I was told the pool will need to be shocked once per week for the chlorine to take care of the things the ionizer doesn't do. I won't know much else until the pool is installed and filled.
At this point any advice for a newbie (which test kit(s) to get, questions to ask the pool company, etc.) are welcome and I look forward to receiving and eventually sharing my experiences and advice. Cheers!
Hi Lou.... welcome! You're gonna love having a pool. :swim:

Not to rain on your parade but....The only mistake i see i the purchase of an ionizer product. Worthless! So can you refund it and put the cash towards either liquid chlorine or a Salt Water Chlorine Generator?

Start a forum thread in one of the forums like "Getting Started" or "above ground pools" and many folks will be happy to help you!

Hey Lou and welcome. Abort mission on the ionizer. The only thing it ionizes is your wallet. Metals can be a great algae deterrent but are bad for the pool and the swimmers. They also do ZERO disinfecting so you need full chlorine anyway *AND* expensive mineral cartridges.

Get a TF-100 and a speed stir from its the gold standard.
Get reading on ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry
Post any questions in the appropriate forums and we'll guide you as far as you need. Soon enough you'll be helping others too.