First test results


Gold Supporter
Jul 14, 2019
We have a 27k gallon plaster pool. It was newly built and filled around March 15th. It has a cover which is closed probably 75% of the time. It has a SWG.

I ordered the TF100 kit and here are my results
PH 7.8
FC 13.0
CC 0-0.5
CH 400
TA 390

Our pool is filled from our well which I know has high alkalinity.

Since the test I have added two quarts of Muriatic acid (31%) and turned off the salt cell and opened up the cover to let the sun take down the chlorine.

About four days before the test I added three gallons of acid over the course of two days to get the PH down to where it is now.

The water is crystal clear and swimming causes no irritation to us even with the high chlorine. I was only testing just to see where we were not because of a problem.

I guess my questions are what should I do from here? Turn the salt cell down and keep adding acid? The high FC and TA are my main concerns.
What is your CYA? That will help determine if you FC is truly high. If its high, just turn off the salt cell for a while and let the FC drop.

If your TA is truly that high, you will be fighting pH until the TA lowers.
Did you wipe the tip of your R-0009 bottle between drops? Brand new bottles of R-0009 can hold a static charge that causes the drops to jump away smaller than they should be, causing a falsely high TA reading. Because TFTestkits sources straight from Taylor this is a somewhat common problem for newly arrived kits.
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Also, have you measured the TA straight from your well water to see it is going into the pool? I'm curious as to what you're up against. I had to drop the pH and aerate with spa jets for about 14 hours just to get my TA from 130 down to 100, and my pool is quite a bit smaller than yours.
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