Fighting Algae: Day 5 - Still Green and Visible Progress Slowed

Without looking it up, I cant say much about the swamp treat. Bleach would do exactly that, all the way to Crystal clear, and depending on how much Swamp Treat was put in, more credit may be owed to the bleach.

We aren't against putting anything in your pool that's needed, as long as you understand the effects, and potential side effects.

I give most of the credit to the bleach. But having said that, the pool made a lot of progress for the first 3-4 days, then stalled out for over a week. I was continuing to test it and bring it back to shock level 4 times per day the entire time and it got nowhere. 2 days after I added the Swamp Treat, the pool was making noticeable improvements. I do think that what I presume is higher quality chlorine helped as well. I'm not sure which of the 2 was the deciding factor in getting it over the hump, but it did.

FYI, after some quick research it looks like Swamp Treat is Sodium Bromide.
Your pics show progress and I think it's a matter of filtration (keep that pump on 24/7, keep your filter clean and brush often) before you are done.

Your decision to add "stuff" is certainly yours to make but it skews our advice because we are not sure of the reactions of the "stuff" you have added or intend to add.

The SLAM article is complete and predictable and turns thousands of murky pools into crystal clear does not call for any additives as they are not needed.
Your pics show progress and I think it's a matter of filtration (keep that pump on 24/7, keep your filter clean and brush often) before you are done.

Your decision to add "stuff" is certainly yours to make but it skews our advice because we are not sure of the reactions of the "stuff" you have added or intend to add.

The SLAM article is complete and predictable and turns thousands of murky pools into crystal clear does not call for any additives as they are not needed.

Unfortunately, it won't get the chance to perform the filtration because the resurfacing effort starts today.

I believe in the BBB method and SLAM because they make sense and don't overcomplicate things. I did not want to add "stuff," and I followed the SLAM method as closely as someone that works a full-time+ job can. For the first 2 days (weekend) I tested the water and added bleach every hour from 8am until about 10 or 11 pm. I also added cyanuric acid until it was at about 35 ppm. During the week, I checked the water and added bleach about every 4 hours. It cleared up a lot over the weekend and for the first 2 weekdays and then completely stalled for about 10 days despite the FC being at shock level according to the pool math. In hindsight, maybe I should have gone above the shock level listed, but I stayed the course according to the calculator. Perhaps if I stayed with it for another month it would have cleared up, but it was costing me a lot of $ in bleach and I didn't want to wait a month. I had both a friend and a roofer (of all things) recommend the Swamp Treat and I happened to see it for about $15. Knowing my water was going to be drained in 2-3 weeks anyway, I thought I'd try it. Now, I'm not going to go around hawking the product and getting everyone to try it, but it seems to have worked for me. I am looking forward to using the BBB method without any random chemicals to maintain the new algae-free water once my pool is refilled :)
Would be interesting to see the pool empty before and after the resurface if you get the time to take some photos and post.
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