Fibretech fiberglass pool problems

Feb 26, 2014
Tampa Bay area, Florida
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Live in Tampa Bay area Florida. Have had Fibtretech pool for 11-12 years. Lately chemical balances off. Pool sides and bottom look brown. Tried the Vit C method which clears it. Chemical levels way off. Where to start, first do the ascorbic acid/Vit C.? How to proceed. Its way too acidic. Do I add Soda Ash first, chlorine or shock.
I would actually just like to resurface to pool. Does anybody know a reputable company in the Tampa Bay area and what would be the recommended surface.
May questions I know, hope for some advice. thanks
Fibretech fiberglass piece of sh..

Welcome to TFP !

Can you post a full set of test results ? With out some reliable test results it's going to be hard to get you started in the right direction.

Do you have your own test kit ? If you have a kit what type of kit are you using ? If you don't who is doing your water testing ?

These are the test kits that we on the forum recommended I personally use the TF-100. If you don't have one of these kits I highly recommend you get yourself one. If you want to maintain your water chemistry balance it's a must have. Accurate water testing is one of the key's to a trouble free pool and the results from one of these kits are the ones we trust.

Can you take a picture of your pool. That could also help us out. Also if you add all your pool and equipment info to your sig it will help us help you better. ?
Re: Fibretech fiberglass piece of sh..

Ok here are my numbers. Looks like a mess.
FC 11.6
CC 0.2
TA 80
Calcium Hardness 310
CYA HIGH at about 150
Fiberglass pool, 10000 gallon
So..... should I increase PH to 7.5 with soda ash, SLAM, replace water Where should I start.
Thanks in advance
Re: Fibretech fiberglass piece of sh..

Since your CYA is so high you need to drain and replace water first, then adjust pH, do the ascorbic acid treatment to remove the stains, have the water tested for metals, if positive add sequestrant, then balance the water. Do you know if your source water contains metals?
Re: Fibretech fiberglass piece of sh..

Thanks for your fast response. I have no clue where the metals would come from. Only netal is the ring around the pool light. Water is from city, very clean source. I figured to drain. It is going to rain a lot today that should help. After doing the Vit C the pool actually looks much better. Never added sequestrant to it. Thanks and I will report how things go.
Re: Fibretech fiberglass piece of sh..

Okay, drained water from pool.
FC 12
CC 0.5
PH 7.4
TA 110
CH 300
CYA 100

Still High CYA but pool looks much nicer, clear and the brown stains are much less. I added AA and Stain remover.
Trying to see if Metal Filter would make sense to use as needed.

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I would still replace more water to lower your CYA level. If you can get it down to 40-50 ppm that would be good. When you get into the full sun in the summertime you can always increase the CYA level a little to help protect your FC from the sun.
Your using liquid chlorine correct ?
Yes, now I do. Used trichlor pucks always due to ignorance, now I know better. My Pinch&Penny guy told me most people use puc s in summer but not during cooler months as to not increase CYA. He actually seems to know his stuff after talking to him. I am learning daily things I should have known for years.....
Will drain more. I will be out of town few days so will work on it when back. Thanks for the responses, greetings. Raymond
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