Exterminating for Spiders around Pool

May 15, 2015
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Anyone exterminate around their pool for spiders? The wolf spiders seem to love the pond stone around my pool, and the surface of the water. Big and small, we seem to be providing multi family living for these nasty bugs. I know most of the folks here DIY their water management. Does anyone do their own pest control around their pool? I've seen some threads on here. But they seem to indicate use of home center type pesticides and not the professional stuff.

I am considering using Suspend Polyzone to eliminate the bugs around the perimeter of our pool, but not within 3 feet of the pool water. Wondering if anyone has used professional chemicals like this, or Demand CS to control the bugs in and around the pool?
I use CyperWP for wolf spiders. I get skimmer baskets full of them if I don't spray, though most of mine show up in the late summer. It's a permethrin derivative that does a good job on them. Of course you have to reapply it regularly since it isn't weatherproof like the ones you mentioned.
I leave all ours alone, and release alive all the spiders caught in the skimmer. I'd rather have them roaming around than the brown recluse in my garage. Sorry I couldn't help.

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My daughter also had a spider problem around her pool and property. The exterminator she hired told her that spiders are very difficult to control because their body does not contact the surfaces that have been treated. He told her that to control the spiders she needed to control their food source. By treating for other bugs, the spiders eventually disappeared. She now spreads a granulated insecticide around her house and pool to control the bugs. No more spiders.
I leave all ours alone, and release alive all the spiders caught in the skimmer. I'd rather have them roaming around than the brown recluse in my garage. Sorry I couldn't help.

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I actually have had flow issues with my skimmer in the past from the basket being full of spiders. By full, I mean more in the skimmer than the basket will hold. Wolf spiders roam open fields in insane numbers in some areas.
We're having a busy Wolf spider season already as well. For the first time I decided to spread the typical Ortho granule pesticide around the perimeter of our pool to try and knock-back the numbers we find in the pool/skimmer each day. Scorpions increasing as well. :(
I actually have had flow issues with my skimmer in the past from the basket being full of spiders. By full, I mean more in the skimmer than the basket will hold. Wolf spiders roam open fields in insane numbers in some areas.

Good gosh. Yes, by all means nuke them when they get to that number.

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This suff might (edit "Will") work..Had an invasion of little red spec spider bugs (Clover Mites) and this wiped them out. Bought it on Amazon a few years back. Also need a pump sprayer.
7.9 % Bifenthrin Pest Control Multi Insecticide
The Suspend Polyzone is Deltamethrin 4.75% which targets a wide spectrum of pests including Ants, bed bugs, boxelder bugs, brown marmorated stink bugs, carpenter ants, carpet beetles, centipedes, clothes moths, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats, fleas, flies, fruit flies, gnats, hornets, millipedes, moths, multi-colored Asian lady beetles, pillbugs, scorpions, silverfish, spiders, ticks, wasps, yellow jackets -- none of which we want to swim with.

And it has a polymer which keeps the rain from washing it away. Received my bottle yesterday so once I treat I'll let you know how much spider and bug carnage I witness.
I am so regretting opening this thread. I've got the heebie-jeebies now! I thought my mama wolf spider who likes to swim with me was bad when I tried to help her out of the water... baby spider explosion! But more than can fill the skimmer? Gah! We have had at least a half dozen black widows take up near the pool. They do not get to stay.

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I am so regretting opening this thread. I've got the heebie-jeebies now! I thought my mama wolf spider who likes to swim with me was bad when I tried to help her out of the water... baby spider explosion! But more than can fill the skimmer? Gah! We have had at least a half dozen black widows take up near the pool. They do not get to stay.

I have a house full of girls. Spiders in the same zip code are a general problem. But spiders in our pool is not even an acceptable consideration.
I am so regretting opening this thread. I've got the heebie-jeebies now! I thought my mama wolf spider who likes to swim with me was bad when I tried to help her out of the water... baby spider explosion! But more than can fill the skimmer? Gah! We have had at least a half dozen black widows take up near the pool. They do not get to stay.
DITTO! Sad, but I make my wife dispose of spiders. I am a terrible husband haha!
OK, so yesterday there was a large spider floating on top of my pool. I skimmed it out and hit the skimmer on the concrete a bit to get the spider off and hundreds of baby spiders began to scatter! It was terrible. I instantly started doing my best irish dance and killed as many as possible. Otherwise, I would have had these suckers living everywhere.....including my pool. I now need counseling
Since I have brown recluses, most people in this part of the U.S. do, I just know I do; I try to keep as many good spiders around as I can to deplete their food supply. This little guy has been known to actually hunt brown recluses.
Unfortunately I've only seen one of that specific type. It's a daring jumping spider. Really cool to watch.

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All spiders except black widows and brown recluses are welcome to stay around our place. We actually stopped using our back door once to avoid tearing down an orb weavers' web. The kids watched her for weeks and named her Charlotte. No woven messages from her, unfortunately. Maybe you have to have a pig as well.
I move them to the fence area or garden, my wife hates it but I love that they eat flying things like the helecopter mesquitoes we have here. :)
All spiders except black widows and brown recluses are welcome to stay around our place. We actually stopped using our back door once to avoid tearing down an orb weavers' web. The kids watched her for weeks and named her Charlotte. No woven messages from her, unfortunately. Maybe you have to have a pig as well.

For whatever reason, orb weavers dont bother me a bit!
For whatever reason, orb weavers dont bother me a bit!

Even when I was terrified of spiders, orb weavers and black widows didn't bother me much. Now I respect them all. After reading a lot about and watching the brown recluses, right before I kill them, I understand and respect them for what they are. They are very interesting spiders. I just can't leave them around and risk the possible damage from a bite. They really aren't out to hurt anyone, but an unfortunate meeting can have bad consequences.

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So the update here is, Friday night I had a big wolf spider on my solar blanket. When I went to move it, she got a lot smaller and six hundred babies plunged into my pool. There are 4 girls in my house so spiders aren't desirable ever. Saturday morning, I sprayed the professional stuff and the only bugs I have left are the black water bugs.

I bought and used Suspend Polyzone from Do My Own Pest Control dot com. (Not trying to spam that's why I didn't link it, but I know you guys like to DIY stuff and pest control is about 90% labor.) This version of Suspend has a polymer to prevent the rain from washing it away. I mixed it at the milder concentration, not their maximum. I sprayed it with a hand sprayer around on the pond stone which borders my concrete pool deck. So far, spiders are gone except for a few random babies still clinging to the side of the pool or other non treated hiding places. Very pleased with the initial results. May treat again in 21 days. One bottle should last for years.

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