Etching, scale, or poor plaster job?

Dec 20, 2017
Fort Worth TX
Hi guys. New pool finished in Dec. I need your expertise please... The PB is going to come out tomorrow to look at the plaster. It’s quartzscapes Aruba sky and looked fantastic when it was finished in Dec. However we have been seeing more and more polka dots. They are smooth to the touch. We had a little scale on the sides an inch or two under the water. The scale came off when brushed. These polka dots look the same after brushing. Can the plaster “etch” even though we have never had a low PH problem?


FC 2.5
CC 0.25
PH 7.6
TA 90
CH 330
CYA 40

12,000 gal
Water temp 87 F
Etching is the leeching of calcium from the plaster into the water. It will result in a rough, pitted surface. PH is a major contributor to the possibility of etching but so is water temp, TA and CH. These all add up to create a CSI number that indicates the potential for the water to either scale or etch. DFW water is more prone to scale than etchbut in certain scenarios, especially over winter, etching is possible. Our pool etched the first winter and hs done it's best to scale ever since.

More here, Pool School - Calcium Scaling and here, Pool School - Calcium Saturation Index (CSI))

That does not look like etching. More info in these two threads as possible answers to your issue.
Diagnosing Pool Plaster Problems
White Spotting of New Plaster Pools
Hi pooldv - thank you, this is our first pool. I’’’ve read those articles (I’’ve been trolling this site for a month now trying to get this under control.) At first I thought it was scaling everywhere but all the spots are smooth to the touch. The scaling is found just under the tile line is palpable and easily removed with a brush.

How can I prove to the pool company that their poor workmanship during the application of the plaster is the cause? I looked on the NPC website but they’re also saying this is normal and going to happen in all plaster pools at some point. Is this a normal thing after 6 months? Am I just going to have to live with this?

I feel like the sample they showed me should’ve included these spots if this is truly the normal color of the plaster finish... Had we seen this on other pools, we would have definitely went with pebbletech but our salesman said “possible swirling of the plaster is barely noticeable, if at all”. The pools we looked while deciding on the plaster color did not have this issue...

There are also 2 weird looking circles at the bottom of the pool. Not sure if they are smooth to the touch or not. The pool brush doesn’t do anything to them when brushed.

Just wondering if anyone has successfully won this argument with the PB on this issue. Or if I have any options other than paying the entire cost to refinish the whole pool in pebbletech out of our own pocket...??

The saturation index of the pool is 0.25 - if that helps any...
Yes, folks have had plaster issues resolved by PBs, plasterers and plaster manufacturers.

Step 1 is to see what the PB says and what remedies they offer.
Step 2 if you don't like the PB's answer or the result of any corrective action they might take is to contact the plaster manufacturer and ask them to send a representative to advise their opinion.
Having a similar issue. Within months of the pool replaster (w/ quartz). I'm coming up on my 1 yr warranty in November and need to decide if this is worth fighting. Company claiming poor water chemistry is causing etching. I find this hard to believe. Chemistry has always been checked and adjustments made as needed. Suggestions?


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