Enough Time?


Mar 20, 2015
Louisville, KY
Hey guys,

Back in March I put down a deposit to get my in-ground pool liner replaced. What was supposed to take 2-3 weeks has now stretched out to nearly 3 months partly due to Covid-19 with the liner manufacturer warehouse shutting down to the company I picked probably not making me a priority.

They came about 3 weeks ago and removed my own liner and since I've watched the vermiculite crack and crumble even more due to being exposed to the elements. They are now set to come back later this afternoon I suppose to drain the standing water at the bottom, clean out all the debris that has accumulated at the bottom like those helicopter things from my trees and patch the vermiculite. I seriously doubt they will get the new liner installed today so that leads to my actual point.

There is a chance of rain tomorrow so them dropping in the liner could easily go to Monday. Would there be enough time to properly balance the pool in time for Memorial Day weekend? Of course factoring in the slow fill time from my garden hose and adding 28k gallons will more than likely take 2 days. I did buy some liquid conditioner versus using the power as a quick turn around for the CYA. I'm more concerned with TA, PH, etc levels being in check.

Can't tell you how frustrated I am that 12 weeks from putting down my deposit I'm still waiting....
Balancing is quite rapid if you have all the necessary chems and proper test kit. Start by testing your fill water and post numbers and make all your calculations using PoolMath. As soon as you start filling you can be adding the CYA. via the sock method. Wait until almost full to start adding FC and Acid. Start your pump as soon as the water fills the skimmer. Have you read ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry? we dont recommend the poolfrog system.
Yeah I haven't used my pool frog in quite some time, just came with the house. I've been around here since 2015 which is when I bought the house, just never done a full refill on the pool. I have all my chemicals ready to go, test kit is ready...even picked up a much needed speed stir. Okay well that makes me feel better that I should expect a quick turn around then.
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