Ecofinish or Sider-crete then Ecofinish?


Silver Supporter
Jun 18, 2017
Madison NC
So during our house hunting in North Carolina (Greensboro area) I shot down several decent houses because they had pools and I didn't want the hassle. Cut to a few months later and I was actually the one who found a house and property that I knew we could not pass up on, but ...... not only did it have a pool, it had a 75,000 gallon (2800-2900 sq foot) mammoth of a pool which is also in need of equipment updates, a few repairs, a good cleaning and a resurface. With all that said I am looking at my options and have narrowed it down to two scenario's that I like the most.

Option #1 - try a DIY Sider-crete now and save up for resurface with Ecofinish or whatever amazing breakthrough material all you smart people come up with in the next 5-10 years.

Estimated cost of materials - $6000 (50 kits, and tools)
Estimated cost of labor - ???, Still working this out, but estimating it will take about a full week based on 400 sq foot per day average

Foreseeable problems with option #1

#1 I live in a rual community north of Greensboro, which is apparently a black hole for people who do stucco or pool plastering work to find someone (other than someone wanting to sell me their product) willing or capable of assisting with the job.

#2 The above part about Greensboro... it got that name for a reason. I rains a lot here (58"/yr average), or at least enough that I would be worried about getting it done without a rain storm hitting during the process.

Option #2 - Pay someone to install Ecofinish now and be done with it, but eat instant noodles for the next 5 years. I have 3+1 on the way small kids and know that they will spend a lot of time in the pool so I really like the ability of reducing any chemical usage wherever possible, and from what I understand that is the expectation with a ecofinish.

Foreseeable problems with option #2

#1 Finding someone to do the install - the closest installer to me I have found is 200+ miles away.

#2 I need to determine if the surface is far enough gone that it will require a full replaster anyway (which leads us back to option #1)

#3 With a pool this big everything has extra zero's after it... Once I do get hopefully more than one quote I am sure I will be thinking about what a nice ______ (fill in the blank) that would buy, or could go towards other needed items with the house.

Hoping to get some good insight from folks who have either product (Ecofinish / Sider-crete) or other info / suggestions for a plan of attack.....

Question #1
- How much would I expect to save annually with any expected reductions in chemical usage, turnover rates, etc with Ecofinish as opposed to plaster? (For equipment I am planning to install 2ea variable speed 3hp pumps, and probably something like the autopilot copilot XL swg/ozone system, with 2ea multicyclone 16 prefilters and 2ea Sta-rite S8M-150 cartridge filters with Excel System 3 Retrofit Cartridge Filter Kit, and a TBD robot)

Questions #2 - How long do I have before I need to have the pool filled with water when using Sider-crete? Other than a getting 2 years of rain shortly after the job is done I would either need to pay for several truck loads ($$$) which access may be an issue or well water (at 20 GPM it would take half a year!)
Welcome to the forum :wave:

Any chance you can post some pictures of the pool and plaster areas of concern?

I have no experience with Sider-Crete and am very biased towards EcoFinish so I should probably leave my opinion out of your decision making. A 2000 mile commute is probably going to be a hard sell as well...

Read up on UV and Ozone systems around here and you will quickly see they are money well wasted.

Best of luck to you with your project!

Thanks for the welcome and the feedback! You have done some amazing projects and it would be an honor to somehow get you out to the east coast, but yeah the 2000 mile thing might be a problem.... I don't suppose all the equipment can be made into a convenient carry on size? If it helps I do have a 500 gallon propane tank on site for the pool heater that may help reduce the interrogation time with the TSA for the flame thrower alone.

Sure thing I will try and attach some photos, but must warn you it has been sitting for a while and still needs to be pressure/acid washed. There is only one spot that has a "void" or hollow sounding area about 1' x 1', and other than that there is some surface cracks and pitting and a couple areas on the seating that are low, but there is not really much flaking or chunks coming up.
What a great pool! I love how wide it is. My favorite is the diving board with the rails! I loved those as a kid - I was more of a jumper than a diver. The rails gave me a sense of security. Will you get to keep the board and rails? I hope so.

I couldn't stop the slide show, so I wasn't able to read the dimensions. What are they, and what are the depths? Just add those to your signature so you don't have to answer that over and over. Also, add the dates you have for the pool build to your signature. I love watching the transformation of old pools into new!! Being old myself, it's encouraging. Lol!!

Well, I said the diving board and the rails were my favorite, but thinking again, your scenery is hard to beat!

Thanks for sharing with us, and keep the updates coming! See if you can post those great photos directly on a post. Some of us won't take the time to find them. Let me know if you need help doing that.

Take care!
Oh wow! This is gonna be fun! I love a good reno and I love these old pools. What a great design in a beautiful setting.

Welcome to TFP! I have a big old pool that I just got 3 months ago. It was in pretty good shape but if I do some improvements aquabrite is under consideration. I cant wait to see what you do with yours.

Suz, Yeah the diving board is sticking around.... With three young boys I am all about fun things that don't take batteries!

Yeah on clear days you can see the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia... It just needs a reflecting pool to complete the view!

Thanks for the suggestion, updated my signature with the additional pool info... which is 43'-35' x3.5'-10'

Sorry about the slide show thing... I would have loved to see a "photo school" icon up top... just saying! So I tried uploading the pics directly using the little photo icon but kept getting an oversize message, even after I deleted them all and tried again with just one, so I gave up and tried to piece something together using what looked like the most official but somewhat out of date tutorial (link below). Thinking it may be partially due to me using a Mac vs PC. If someone could be kind enough to point me in the right direction I would gladly cut out the photobucket middle man.
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