Drastic CYA loss again


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
I posted last month on the 13th of march, that my CYA was below 30. Now when saying this, I could clearly see the black dot when tube was filled. I also did testing with back to the sun, and ran the test 3 times with the same results. The next day I applied stabilizer with a sock dipped into the pool by the return jet, and by the following day, my test was reading at 50, just where I wanted it. I too ran that test 3 times, and all gave me the reading of 50....Now april 8th, not even a month has gone by, and my CYA is back below 30. Note: no swimming has been done, so no loss of water with splashing. No leaks what so ever, for I monitor my water level daily. Only water loss is by weekly backwash, and when it rained hard, I had to release water, for above the max crest line on skimmer. So if I assume by backwashing and rain water release, the most is about 4" of total water. Now before I go get more stabilizer, I do still have full bucket of pucks that I never used after adopting the BBB method. How many pucks would suggest, and can I still add bleach with a floating puck dispenser? On a side note, ill be cleaning my wedding cake stairs today, for I have removed them for the winter months...Its getting closer to opening day ppl !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought it would be a good habit to backwash after every 2nd vaccum....It dosent take long for water to show clear in the glass when backwashing, so it wasn't like minutes of backwashing....Ill slow down with the backwasing..lol....
Sand filters actually clean a little better a little dirty. No need to backwash until your dirty pressure rises 25% over your clean pressure. Take a break!

Note to OP: Adjusted my pressure rise % from 10 to 25. My bad!@
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