Drained and Filled, now what

If I remember correctly, you are both really busy during the week - so....
*****the following is not TFP policy, but works for me
*******During the week, if you simply refuse to at least test FC, just pour, each day, 4ppm worth of bleach in the pool while pump doing it's normal 2-4hr cycle, or whenever it is running. I have my pump run when I know I will be there, so if, on the days i can't care for it properly, i can at least dose it. 4ppm for 10k gallons is like 59oz, which in my fast-paced world, is half a gallon. Better you pour it slowly, to be sure, but in my life, when the decision is sometimes 30 second or nothing at all, I admit, I dump half a gallon in about 30s and run away to my day. Is this a little wasteful in bleach budget, yes. Is this potentially too fast to pour in front of return, yes. Might this ultimately hurt the plaster a little, yes. Will I live with it, yes, I already know I have to redo it one day. In the future, when you get your pool balanced, you'll be able to extend dosing to every 2 or 3 days if you wish - but that requires writing your test results down and averaging daily FC burn and adding enough to cover it for a few days. Anyway, my main point was, just because you can't test daily, doesn't mean you're allowed to let FC drop below min. You CAN dose it, you have time.
****end non-tfp advise
Thanks for the suggestions and advise. I'm a school teacher and so currently I've got a lot of free-time during the days and weeks. I've definitely been scooping out leaves and brushing the pool almost daily. I'll make myself more diligent about keeping the pH levels lower and keeping the chlorine level higher.
Also I'll pull out the stabailizer sock unless I'm backwashing and pulling out pool water to be replaced with new water.
How's the water looking? Yeah, test the CYA in a couple days just to get a current reading, but they don't test it until after a couple backwashes/significant splashout. Water additions replacing loss due to evaporation do not change CYA since the CYA doesn't evaporate. Save the test chems for CYA, only test when there is reason to believe there is a material change. Another time a CYA test is mandatory, is if the FC tests as 0.0, then you need to get bleach in there and double check to make sure CYA didn't get converted into ammonia by a bacteria that can only take hold when FC is zero for some time. Again, in your pool, as long as cya is 50, you are not allowed to let fc get below 4 (ideally 6) and certainly never to zero.
Great! Is your water crystal clear or not quite crystal? If not clear, I'd resume SLAMing after dropping pH to 7.2. (Friendly reminder, you don't always have to bring pH down to 7.2, only when you're going to SLAM, or following the lowering TA procedure. There is nothing wrong with 7.3-7.8)
The water itself is clear. I'm having trouble with my vacuum picking up all the particles of dust. I'll put the vacuum back in the pool and let it run and see if that helps pick up all the tiny bits. Usually I'll just brush and sweep to get dust moving toward the basket and filter.
Pool is pretty good!
I added some Chlorine Thursday morning, and then had a big ol' swim party Friday night. This morning my readings are as follows:

FC) 2
CC) 0

CH) 450
TA) 150
CYA) 50

pH) 8.2

My current plan today is bring down the pH, and then later add in a lot of chlorine.
Thanks for posting the test results. I'm glad your swim party went well! That bather load really hit your FC and PH (as it always will) and yes, some acid to get PH anywhere 7.2-7.8 would be great. 20-30 mins after last acid add, please get that FC above min (4) and ideally into target (6-8) and it wouldn't hurt to give it an extra boost up to 10-12 since you let it fall below minimum. (it's okay, it happens after pool parties sometimes). I usually boost my FC up towards shock before pool parties, but never over. Kudos on the zero CC though!

If PH is constantly high, we can lower that TA down towards 90 through a process described here.

I'm really proud of you guys! Congrats on your first TFP pool party!

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