Does the direction matter when installing a T-Cell?

Jun 16, 2012
Southern Ontario
I had removed the T-Cell for winter and I'm getting ready to open the pool but I don't recall which direction the T-Cell was placed by the installers. I've attached a photo of the way I've installed it but I'm not sure if it even makes a difference whether the corded section is closest to the heater or closest to the filter. Any guidance is appreciated.


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My SWCG is pentair so not sure if it makes a difference but, my manual has specific guidance for placement after the heater and straightline distance from the heater outlet to the cell. It also has a flow direction marking on the cell itself to ensure correct installation.
You should also be able to google search your brand/model installation manual online.
No it does not matter. The flow switch is not in the cell for the Hayward systems. It is in a separate tee fitting, which is right before the heater I see in the picture. That is not very good placement for the flow switch, but as long as it works....
Just trying to get a better understanding, what is the correct placement for the flow sensor? Also on his particular setup, whats the step by step procedure to check cell.( put in bucket of water then turn on, if cell is good the water should turn white correct?) thanks
Flow sensor should have at least 12" of straight pipe in front of it, the actual cell can count toward that.

What do you need to check? You just take it out, look inside for scaling, acid wash if needed, then put it back. There is a way to reset the light (which comes on after a certain amount of time even if there is no problem), but I do not remember the process.

Posted from my Droid with Tapatalk ... sorry if my response is short ;)
I believe the instruction manual even says you should reverse the cell each time it's installed after cleaning.
That may have been true on the older versions, but the newer ones are "self cleaning" which I think means they reverse the polarity, so not sure that would do much any more, but would not hurt anything.

Posted from my Droid with Tapatalk ... sorry if my response is short ;)
I finally found the attached information in one of the many manuals the pool contractor provided last year at the time of installation and there is no reference to a proper direction or reversal of direction after cleaning.


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There is a really good video from Hayward on installing and cleaning a T-Cell. It was so informative. They said it didn't matter which way. I subscribe to Haywards newsletter and that is how I saw the video. They have a few really good ones and said they are working on more. They had one about reducing energy use without changing out your equipment.
The manual did say (not sure on the newest models) to switch it each time. Even on cells where there may be self cleaning, I still do that, as anything that may get by the filter for some reason can get lodged between the fins in the cell. Turning it around lets it get out without sticking something damaging in there. I talked to a Hayward rep not too long ago, and he still suggested this method.
FYI - Not flow related, but I was having low salt readings vs Taylor test results. After talking the folks at Hayward, they said to check to see if the cell was "hump up" or "hump down" if it was up, to reinstall in the down position (as Magnatics pic above). Once I did this, my readings were nearly identical to Taylor readings. Good luck!

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