Disposing/using up old chemicals


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2019
Riverhead, NY
Pool Size
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-9)

First summer maintaining pool myself. Taylor test kit. Thanks for getting me this far!

Just cleaned out pool shed from previous owners and discovered a half jug of Phos Free and a burst-open half full pouch of looks like granular (???) shock. Has been sitting there a while (corroded the hinges of the cabinet it was in!). I read several threads about proper disposal but our town isn’t accepting household chemicals right now due to COVID. Saw that dumping shock in the pool might be an option BUT...

just finished the AA treatment for iron stains. Worked so well!! Added 1 qt sequestrant on Tuesday and am slowly bringing up FC right now. Tests today:
CYA < 30
Ph 7.2
FC 3 after adding 2.5 quarts 10% bleach this morning but it’s not holding yet
FC 3 after adding 2.5 quarts 10% bleach this morning but it’s not holding yet
CC 0
TA 90
CH 160
With all this in mind, what can I do about the shock and phos free? Can I put in pool?
Thanks in advance!!
The TFP method is built on owner testing and only adding chemicals to the pool that it needs and knowing the outcome. Phos Free is useless to this method. As for the shock, since you don't know exactly what it is, you probably shouldn't put it in the pool. I wish I knew of an option to help you get rid of it, could you stash it in a box and wait for the city to begin taking household chemicals?
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