Did pool opening company damage my pump?

May 18, 2020
Albany new york
I just had my pool opened and ill start by saying when i closed it the pool pump for my inground pool work perfectly. Now after they opened it i noticed the pool pump was not running so when i asked about it he told me the pump was overheating and may need to be repaired or replaced. After they left i noticed that the skimmer plate cover was still on. Now my question is if they ran the pump with the plate still on this would cause the pump to just pull air which would overheat it and cause damage correct?
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Can you clarify what you mean by skimmer plate? There's the round skimmer cover on the pool decking that we remove to empty the skimmer basket, then some pools have a vacuum plate for vacuuming. So I want to make sure we're speaking the same language about the parts. But in short, if the techs left some sort of plate, gizmo, or anything else in the poolside skimmer that would block water flow, that's a foul on their part. No water means loss of prime to the pump which means heat and lots of it fairly quickly. It can get so hot that it warps the pump basket and PVC connecting to the pump. If I misunderstood your description, feel free to upload a pic.
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Can you clarify what you mean by skimmer plate? There's the round skimmer cover on the pool decking that we remove to empty the skimmer basket, then some pools have a vacuum plate for vacuuming. So I want to make sure we're speaking the same language about the parts. But in short, if the techs left some sort of plate, gizmo, or anything else in the poolside skimmer that would block water flow, that's a foul on their part. No water means loss of prime to the pump which means heat and lots of it fairly quickly. It can get so hot that it warps the pump basket and PVC connecting to the pump. If I misunderstood your description, feel free to upload a pic.
Its the plate that goes on the front of skimmer box when its winterized so water doesn't get in not the cover on the top you remove for cleaning
Its the plate that goes on the front of skimmer box when its winterized so water doesn't get in not the cover on the top you remove for cleaning
Of course! :hammer: Duh. So yes, that's a major foul on their part. HUGE mistake. If that pump was damaged, I would definitely try to hold them responsible. That's a shame.

Curious, does the pump work at al now? Have you tried it? If so, any odd noises or water leaking?
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