Dead Algae during Slam

Jun 22, 2013
What does the dead algae look like? I started a Slam last week because CC went above .5. There is/was no visible algae in the pool, but I was loosing 1.5 ppm FC each overnight. I have noticed over the last couple days a lot of small dark particles floating around the pool along with small light brown colored streaks across the bottom. Is this dead algae? We scrubbed the entire pool multiple times yesterday, and I slowly vacuumed the entire pool. It looks fabulous, and still lost 1.4 ppm last night. I have never dropped below Slam level for 3 days. The 2 days before that I would drop 3-4 ppm under Slam level because I didn't realize how much more would burn off.

The pool looks better than it ever has. Not getting past the Slam process is very annoying :mad:
Dead algae is usually a gray to very pale brown color. Likely that's what you're seeing on the bottom. Keep stirring it up or vacuum it directly to get it filtered out. The last part of passing the overnight test takes the longest but it assures you that all the algae is gone.
Sometimes it clumps up and looks like dustbunnies and goes *poof* when you get near it with the brush or vacuum. Other times it just looks like dust and settles in drifts where there isn't much water movement. It also likes to go *poof* but not as bad. Sneak up on it with the vacuum and let the suction draw it in rather than the slight push of water from the vacuuming dispersing it.
Thanks guys. I think part of my issue was that my pool has so much current it was never settling to the bottom. I also think this is not allowing the best intake into the skimmer as well. Stuff just kind of sits and spins around in the middle. Yesterday, I throttled back the output into the pool and started seeing stuff accumulate on the bottom. I also bought a cheap vacuum head at walmart Saturday and it really sucks (no pun intended) it is designed poorly, and doesn't work very well at all. I have a much more powerful pump now that I used to and it didn't work very well at all.

I will keep at it! Thanks again!
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