CYA and Backwashing


May 7, 2016
I'm in the beginning stages of a SLAM and had to add some CYA today. I added it via a sock over the return line in my pool.

Can I backwash having added it this way? I know I will have to backwash probably a couple times a day given how much algae is in my pool right now, but obviously don't want to lose the CYA.

I was thinking if no to backwash it might be best to recirculate right now. Thoughts?
As long as you are using the sock method it is ok to backwash the pool. You will lose a little CYA along with the water when you backwash, but as long as you are not having to top off the pool after a backwash the amount of CYA you lose should be negligible.

People who add CYA by broadcasting granules into the pool or dump them loose in the skimmer are the ones at risk of losing their CYA before it has a chance to dissolve. When they are dumped loose in the skimmer or vacuum the pool just after broadcasting the granules, the granules accumulate in the filter where it takes much longer for them to dissolve. A lot of undissolved granules get lost in a backwash in this situation.

Be sure you wait until you have a 20% rise in pressure before you backwash. You should not need to backwash 2x a day unless the pool is so algae laden it is clogging the filter. Backwashing too frequently will not clear the pool quicker and you will loose chemicals in the process.
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