Covering pool equipment for winter - what about condensation


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Oct 7, 2013
Southern NH
So I don't have a shed or anything around my new equipment pad. Soon enough, but not till next year. I have a heat pump, which is covered with an AC condenser cover, so that's ok, but I have my sub panel, filter, booster pump, filter pump and SWG, all exposed. I was going to wrap everything in a tarp (ugly) to keep the snow from just sitting on it all winter, but I read warnings in the Polaris Booster Pump manual about covering it and the dangers of condensation build up. Kind of scared me off from covering it. Although, as you read that manual, you'd think the motor isn't good for much more than being a paperweight. Every kind of disclaimer known to man about improper issues or maintenance in there.

Anyway, I thought about building a plywood teepee over it all, or just wrapping. Thoughts? Do I really have to worry about that BP as much as Polaris wants me to believe I do? If I wrap too tightly, I assume mice might be an issue too.

Thanks for the advice.
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