Consistently high ALK with low PH issues

Jun 4, 2018
HELP! I have an IG vinyl lined pool 16 x 36. 18,000gal This is my 5th season with the pool but starting last year my Ph remains unchanged at 7.2 and it continues into this season so far. I lowered my pool ALK which was 246 to 145 with 4 gallons of Muriatic acid over the course of a few days.(kind of scary, but it worked) Now ALK is within range but pH is 6.8. The pool water test said to add 1lb of ph UP but that did not seem to be enough, so after testing and adding up to 4lbs, my Ph is only at 7 ish(light orange of the Leslie DPD test kit and frog strips), but now my ALK is back up to 180. I shocked the pool with Bioguard Smart Shock 2lbs also. Its obvious that the pH up or smart shock raised the ALK, but not sure which one by that much in 24 hours. Raeing old posts, it looks like maybe I shouled swithc to adding Borax since that increase pH without affecting ALK. Has anyone had this success with using Borax for ph up?
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