Cloudy water at opening

Aug 17, 2018
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Truclear / Ei
When we took cover off pool this year water was very cloudy. Chemicals are all balanced, Algaecide done, shocked several days ago, still cloudy. Filter has been running non stop for a few days. Backwashed and started it up again. Is there anything I should be doing that I am not.
Marj, you appear to have an algae bloom going in its early stages. Cloudy is a common sign. I see you are fairly new to TFP, so are you familiar with the SLAM Process to remove algae? That's what you may want to do. To make sure, you can post a full set of water test results from your TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C test kit. We''ll look everything over. You can also perform an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test.

Remember, algecides are of no use for algae. The proper (non-copper based) algecide can be insurance at winter closing, but once algae has started it's a waste of money. Just pool store income.

So post your results for us, take a look at the SLAM Process page, and let us know if you have any questions.
I was thinking it might be algae but was unsure. Last year when we opened the water was clear, no issues. Not sure what happened this year. Began SLAMing. Chlorine loss of 5 overnight. Was 10 at end of day and 5 this morning. PH is 7.6 Alkalinity is 120 CYA is 40 FC currently 5.
should I lower PH? I was reading that when dealing with algae maybe ant a PH closer to 7.2
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