Cheking the amount of DE on my filter

May 15, 2013
I took the filter out this morning and cleaned each fin. Put it back, added one orange scoop of DE. with in a half hour the pressure was at 24 and the jets and skimmer water was barley moving. Two hours after washing it I washed the fins again. This is what it looked like. Is this too much DE? Alright amount of DE but just dirty?

For a 36 square foot DE filter I think you need about four pounds of DE after a full tear down like that. There may be a sticker on the filter telling you how much to use or you can check a manual as well online.
If the water is green or cloudy such that you can't see the main drain clearly, your filter is working right. A DE filter will load up real fast with a dirty pool.

Blast those grids clean with a hose. You can do it in place. Then a brief backwash to rinse out the hose and recharge with the full amount of DE. When you only do a backwash without tearing it apart, use 80%. That will be 3.6 lbs for a clean filter and 2.9 lbs after just a backwash.
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