Can't maintain pH in desirable range


Aug 13, 2017
Hi all. I live in Singapore where we have high temperatures and high humidity. Some leave load, but not much as I scoop daily.

I have a lap pool, and 2 years ago I switched it from a chlorine pool to a no-chlorine pool and from getting a pool guy to come in twice a week, to self maintenance.
I now use an Australian invented system that uses silver and copper ions and an oxidiser to sanitise the pool.
Target copper level is about 0.3 ppm.

Since I switched, I have had problems keeping the pH balance. I add sodium bicarbonate to raise TA, then dry acid (sodium bisulphate) to lower pH.
pH will not stay low. It used to rise about 0.1 every day, so within a week it would go from 7.4 to more than 8.0. So I found myself adding a lot of bicarbonate each week, followed by a lot of acid! My target was to keep TA at about 80, and pH at about 7.4. But I was, and am, using tons of bicarbs and dry acid.

Initially, I had little calcium hardness, and raised the CH to 200 ppm on recommendation of the supplier. That did not help. Now my pH rises even faster, by about 0.2 a day!

I recently googled and read some exchanges on this forum about out gassing of CO2, which gave me some new theories about why my pH is rising.
The suggestion in that thread was to maintain pH at a higher level - say about 7.8, instead of trying to force it lower, and to maintain TA at a lower level of 50 - 70, to avoid outgassing.

However, the manufacturer's recommended pH is 7.2, and warns that the effectiveness of the sanitiser falls sharply if pH rises about 7.6. I have read elsewhere that this is also the same for chlori
So I face a dilemna. If I don't fight the pH, but keep it at about 7.8, I will use much less acid, and the TA will probably fall off slower as result. So I would not need to use as much chemicals.
But then I am concerned that my sanitiser would not work effectively, because it is outside the manufacturer's range!

Has anyone experienced similar problems, and any suggestions on how I can stabilise my pH at about 7.4?

Some other info:
When adding sodium bicarb, I have had, from time to time, blue precipitates in the water. I think this is some copper salt, and suggests some saturation of carbonates in the water.
But I don't understand the water chemistry enough to figure out the right regime to maintain pH.
What am I missing here?

Also, I calculated my Saturation Index as follows: pH + TF + CF + AF – 12.1
TF at 86 degrees F is about .7
CF at 200 is 1.9
AF at 75 is 1.9
So at pH 7.4, my SI is -0.2
and at pH 8, my SI is +.4
This is supposedly indicative of balanced water.

Thanks in advance for any responses!

Welcome to TFP!

What is CF and AF? Yes, your pH will rise slower with lower TA, try 60-70 and see how that works.

PoolMath, link at top of page, will also calculate ypur CSI for you.

We do NOT recommend using copper in a pool. It does not sanitize the water and it will build up and stain the pool, hair, fingernails, plastic, dogs, etc. Without chlorine in the pool to kill pathogens the risk of person to person disease transmission is increased significantly.

More here, Alternative sanitizers and pools--The Truth!!
Here, ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry
And here, TFPC for Beginners
Thanks for inputs, guys. Sorry, I didn't know where to look for the replies and only saw these posts when I looked at my account profile.
Read the article on alternative sanitisers. A bit scary. But I've been swimming in this for the past 2 years and my hair hasn't turned green! And no other health issues.
I do have a bit of copper sulphate scaling now and then, and there are some black stains that may be copper stains. I didn't mind those, it is the pH that bothers me. I thought it could have been algae build up, and I shocked the pool a couple of weeks back with chlorine and scrubbed. A lot of algae did come off ... thins strips between the tiles that I had not noticed! I attributed this to the fact that my pH has been running high and that the sanitiser as a result did not work well.

But the pH is still not stable after that. Interestingly, the pH seemed more stable when there was chlorine in the pool.

My TA is about 70 or 80, but the pH just won't stay down.
The vital stats are:
TA: 70/80
CH: 200
TDS: 1100

I would like to know more about what the possible chemical reactions are in the water ... the exchange on CO2 "out-gassing" made me wonder if that is my problem.
Any advice on where I can find out more about that?