Calcium build up in pool heater. Heat exchanger

Aug 9, 2014
I'm trying to find any information on how to acid wash my pool heater. I have a Pentair mastertemp 250.
My flow is being blocked by calcium build up apparently.
Anyone out there acid washed thier heater or pool equipment?
How do I go about it?
It can be dangerous to try to acid wash a copper or cupro-nickel heater. Low pH, 7.0 or lower will start to dissolve copper from the heat exchanger. Dissolved copper in the pool can cause staining of the pool surface, people and dogs. Plaster and FG stains can become nearly permanent. And the only way to remove copper from the water is to drain and refill.

But, if you want to, you can try lowering your CSI to -0.8 or -0.9 and it will slowly dissolve the scale. More here, Pool School - Calcium Scaling.

Or if you want to be really agressive you can try a no drain acid wash, The Zero Alkalinity Acid Treatment

In the future, properly balanced water will never scale if you keep your pH, TA and CH balanced.

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