Brand New Pool and 3900 Polaris Cleaner weak, slow, gets stuck in corners

We have a brand new pool one month old (our 3rd pool) with a 3900 cleaner. Previous pools we use a 280 Polaris cleaner. We researched the options with Polaris and felt the reviews on the 3900 fit our situation with lots of trees and leaves to clean up. I am not impress with the operation of this 3900 cleaner. I have asked my builder several times about this lack of movement and slow progress of my 3900 cleaner. He says he has adjusted the RPM at the Omnilogic. I replaced the disk at wall fitting and he and I have made adjustment on the unit according to the instructions. The speed is slightly better but still not acceptable. The unit get stuck in a corner for an hour, if I let it. Any positive input would be greatly appreciated. All these positive 3900 reviews can't be wrong. Thank you!
Is this a new 3900 or a used one? If new, it should move fairly rapidly, but probably slower than the 280 because it's heavier. If used, you have a project ahead to replace bearings, tires, and who knows what else moving parts & wear items. Stay away from what's advertised as the "rebuild kit". It contains all the parts that don't help the 3900 move faster.

I removed the restriction disk entirely and that helped some. I never understood the point of installing a 1 HP booster pump and then restricting its output. The pressure relief at the wall fitting takes care of pressure the 3900 can't handle.

If it gets stuck in a corner for an hour, it needs a new backup valve.

If you bought this 3900 new, I'd suggest returning it for warranty replacement.
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