Brand-new CircuPool RJ45


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Aug 3, 2008
Fredericksburg, VA
Hi all...with the panic over chlorine availability this year, I decided to make the switch to SWG. I'd been planning on doing it for a while, so it just seemed like a good year to do it.

Anyway, we started the pool up and I'm in the process of adding salt, but the salinity reading on the unit is ALL over the map. Has anyone else out there with this unit found that display to be unreliable?
You have to let the salt mix for at least 24 hours. So shut off the cell at the module for now and just let it mix. Tomorrow you should get more reliable readings.
Well, I added 200 lbs. on Saturday, so I thought I should start getting steady (if low) readings by now. I just added three more bags today, for a total of 320 lbs.
Okay, from post #1 it only said you added salt today so I wasn't aware of previous salt added. When I first start my module, I can see the numbers fluctuate a bit until it stabilizes. But that generally only takes a minute or so and them it shows a fairly consistent salt reading.
One last thought ... do you have a salt test kit (Taylor K-1766)? It might be good to have because non-salt pools store-up salt from liquid chlorine. My salt level was close to 1,000 ppm before adding salt. I wonder if you have too much salt and perhaps it's messing with the saline reading? You would "think" if that was the case, you'd just get an error or see a higher salinity level, but who knows. These things can be a little squirrely sometimes.
Definitely get the the K1766 salt test kit. It's the most reliable one on the market. It will also help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise in the future such as a low salt light on the RJ45. You can compare the readings between the K1766 to what your control unit spits out. They tend to vary quite a bit, which is why you want the test kit.
My RJ30+ prefers a bit more salt than what the manufacturer claims. Test kit shows 3400, swg swg shows 3200 but won't function below that. It works well so I don't care.
I just installed my RJ30+ over the weekend, and my salt level is almost exactly what the K1766 shows. I let the salt circulate almost a week before I started the SWG. I also found about residual salt from the chlorine, I added 7 bags (280lbs), when the charts said I would need 11 bags, my salt is at 3600, and I now have several years of spare salt on hand.
This will be our third season with the RJ-45+. Sounds like yours reads like mine. At the beginning of the season, and for each cycle, the unit starts high and then the level drops at a steady pace. Usually after a bit it levels out and is near the salinity level I measured with the K-1766. After a few weeks it seems to stabilize. I've noticed this correlates to the current reading on the unit. At the beginning of the season current starts high at the cycle start and then drops, at about the same pace the salt level reading drops.

As long as you are not seeing a random fluctuating pattern like: 3600, 2200, 3500, 2100, 3400, 3800, 1900 (made up numbers) and it is starting high and dropping as the cycle continues you should be OK. If its a random fluctuating pattern that would be a concern for me.

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My brand new RJ45+ does the same when the pump fires up and it starts generating. The salt reading start very high, like over 5k, and then drop steadily and stabilize after a minute or so. The reading is reasonably (few %) close to what I measure with the K-1766 kit.
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