Borates testing and other

Sep 7, 2014
I did a search and didn’t see an answer. I may have just missed it, so I apologize if this information is readily available and I just didn’t see it.

I tested my water for the first’s been a crazy few days since getting the pool filled and am just now getting to it.

Cl was zero (as expected I hadn’t rechecked is since initial dose about a week ago). CYA is a little low and I will add more of that after my trip to Walmart. I need to add HCl, pH was 8.2. Total alkalinity was 110.

The app has a spot to enter info for borates, and I didn’t see a test listed on my TFT100 test kit for borates. Am I just missing it and what else would y’all recommend testing / checking.

I’ve got an 8500 gal Intex.
You won't have borates unless you added them. And you can't test them unless you buy a borates tester. Just put zero in that spot. Same with salt.

You should know your CH value, even if you don't do anything about it. We'll go into that topic at a later date.

So, yeah, get the pH into range, add some more CYA, then add some bleach, and then add some bodies.
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