Australia - CCL Test Kit

Hi everyone sorry about not writing to this thread earlier, I've been under the weather and making less sense than usual :p
I agree with all the thoughts about the CYA tests in this thread. CYA tests have been a royal pain in my posterior trying to weed out the inconsistencies. I've got them all solved and here's where we are at.

Reagent - check! We've tried two recipes, and a couple suppliers but I finally have a locally sourced reagent that is consistent and affordable.
Standard - check! The standards we make were having some weird interaction over time, and dumping their levels so you'd either see 100+ppm, or 0ppm. I've finally worked out the issue and testing shows it's now stable.
No more hand labels - check! The labels are hand applied using a special tool I made for last years batch and were susceptible to minor creep, but we're getting printed label rolls and we have a factory grade bottle labeller.

The labels not being in the exact right spot is an issue for people, part of our push to move to better labelling. We unofficially aim for our tests to be within +/-10ppm. So for me personally, if the standard reads between 40 and 60, but more on the 50 side of those marks, I'm happy. If it reads 60, or over 60 etc I remake it. The problem is the subjectivity of the test, which Taylor also acknowledges. I test our standards using our own gear, and other companies tubes/reagents and the 50ppm standard always lands between 45-55 for me across tests and companies. That's generally acceptable for CYA. Obviously for drop tests standards I'm more exact :lol:

In the meantime with the labels being aligned by hand, what we recommend is using the included pipettes to mix another 1ml of pool sample and 1ml of CYA reagent into the mixing tube, and then that'll bring it up to the right level. It's a 1:1 ratio so however you like to mix it, do it that way. If you buy the Taylor CYA reagent and tube, our reagents should work with those as well. That way if you buy a Total kit from us you're not forced to waste the CYA you can just use it in your Taylor tube. I have to say "should" because I don't know Taylors chemical make up but they're a 1:1 and it works for me when I use it.

Thanks Brett for taking the time to post this great information. I'm super impressed that you're prepared to engage and share with us. Also thanks for sending out the replacement 50ppm samples.

For peace of mind, I've ordered the Taylor K-1721 CYA test kit and a large 1L bottle of R-0013 reagent from PoolVacParts, and will run both the CCL and Taylor CYA test each time which will hopefully match each other +/-10ppm.
Thanks Brett. It’s good that you are on to these things so quickly. Am I able to get a replacement standard for my CYA test? Everything else seems to be working for me (that I know of). Happy to hear that you are moving away from the stick on labels. I use my speed stir vile for most tests as the magnet tends spins better. I hope you’re feeling better. So much nasty stuff going around Brisbane at the moment. My eldest has a bad cold but so far we have escaped the gastro outbreak.
ClearChoiceLabs have made it possible for way more people to adopt TFPC in Australia, as a local supplier with great customer service, and by offering reasonable cost starter kits for new TFPers.

There was another mob who tried but had very poor management, and in some cases took people's money and didn't deliver kits! That was a disaster. Other options are pretty pricey at the outset.

Kudos to the team at ClearChoiceLabs for working hard to solve issues and make improvements. I really like the look of the new test kit box as well!
Just for amusement I read through the instructions on the Astral Pools 4-way test kit the builder left. It comes with DPD tablets and reads up to 3ppm. The advice on the instruction sheet is maintain FC between 1-3ppm and shock your pool weekly. No thanks.

So glad that Clear Choice Labs are here to provide a locally available quality FAS-DPD test kit.
Thanks everyone for the feedback! It's great having customers who know their stuff and want to work with us. Running a business like this one is definitely a mix of learning curves, challenges and fun. At least now it's winter I get five minutes to plan what to do before the crazy rush at summer comes back. It's 19C in my study today. 19! Crazy. I know that's not really that cold but I'm definitely a Brisbane boy now.

Riley if you can PM me your address details I'll send you a standard, I can't find you in the system which is weird because I remember your order because you're on the forums.

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Reagent - check! We've tried two recipes, and a couple suppliers but I finally have a locally sourced reagent that is consistent and affordable.
Standard - check! The standards we make were having some weird interaction over time, and dumping their levels so you'd either see 100+ppm, or 0ppm. I've finally worked out the issue and testing shows it's now stable.
No more hand labels - check! The labels are hand applied using a special tool I made for last years batch and were susceptible to minor creep, but we're getting printed label rolls and we have a factory grade bottle labeller.
Hi Brett, I ordered your Salt Water Kit this morning. Have the above modifications been implemented in your current shipments?

I'm very new to this forum, so new in fact that this is my first post!! Look forward to getting some 'real' test results - been bumbling along for the past 6 months relying on dubious pool shop tests, AquaCheck strips, and dodgy Bunnings Hy-Clor testing station - all giving quite different results from the same water sample (wish I had found this site earlier!!).

Oh - and by the way, I'm feeling the pain of you Southerners re current weather - 32deg today in sunny Darwin after suffering through a chilly 19deg overnight :cool:
Here's another rap for Brett at CCL :bowdown:

Purchased the full kit about a month ago, and while happy with most tests, I was a bit dubious with CYA results (CYA seemed low, and couldn't get the right response from the 50ppm sample).

Contacted Brett and within a few days a complete new CYA test kit arrives, and voila, sample reads at 50ppm, and my pool CYA now reads correctly (unfortunately - 100ppm as I'd over done the stabiliser thinking I was low!! - wet season coming soon so a few 'overflows' from our monsoon will fix that).

Once again, well done Brett - you guys run an extremely professional outfit, and your customer service is exemplary :goodjob:
Great news!!!

One thing I want to note: You said "wet season coming soon so a few 'overflows' from our monsoon will fix that" You might get a better result if you drain down a bit, right before you expect the rain. Otherwise, the effect of the extra water might not be as useful.
One thing I want to note: You said "wet season coming soon so a few 'overflows' from our monsoon will fix that" You might get a better result if you drain down a bit, right before you expect the rain. Otherwise, the effect of the extra water might not be as useful.
I thought about this for a while wondering what difference it could possibly make - then finally the 'lights came on'.

I'm guessing it's a 'dilution effect' ? ie if I drain 1st, the full contingent of chemicals in the water have been removed, as opposed to letting rain fill then overflow, there will be some 'dilution' of the chemicals before they're removed. Is that it?
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