Almost above ground pool owner. Help put my mind at ease about cooling the water!

I used the “fountains” that you can install in place of the pool returns. They helped, but not enough, so I broke down and installed a chiller, which has been great. Shade will get you the best results. @red-beard is in the Houston area and uses sail shades, so maybe he has some advice. Any cool down you get from ice will be gone in 10 minutes. Believe me, I’ve tried it. Our trees have grown quite a bit since the chiller was installed and we now only get about 4 hours of full sun, so I’m going to see if I can use the chiller only intermittently this summer installed of running the pool for 17 hours every day.
Watch the area & make note of what time & how much shade the area naturally gets. Its not ideal to put the pool right under the trees simply because of debris. Remember they are tall & can shade a great distance from themselves.
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yes I plan to center it between the trees so it shouldn't be directly under any branches...but I also want to look around today to see if I should trim any branches that are going to be in the way of the shade sail or even begin to approach the pool...
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FWIW I took down 9 oaks in the immediate pool/patio area, and 4 just outside the footprint that I'd never be able to drop once the pool went in. On windy days as it usually is in the spring and fall, not a one of them would have dropped anything in the pool. The trees at 75/100/125/150 etc foot away, upwind, kept me up to my ears in pollen and leaves.

Consider the wind just as much in your planning.
On the "Flower" spray returns, they did not work on my pool because I have very low head from the hot tub being the same height as the rest of the pool and using a VFD on lower speed. I am planning a system using 1/2" PVC pipe across the pool and operated by a 1/6 hp submersible pump. I'm going to start with very small holes and drill bigger if needed. Kinda redneck, but it should be easy to remove.

The sail shades work great. If I install all three, it blocks about 50 percent of the direct light to the pool. You do not put the shade directly over the pool, but a little south so the shadow falls in the pool. Mrs. Beard does not like the sail shades. She tolerates the one in the deep end because it is hard to see from inside the house. I am considering a removable system for the shallow end.

The shades keep sun off the pool preventing excessive heat buildup and they provide actual shade while in the pool.

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I am considering getting an intex 12' x 24' above ground pool within the next month or so for my 3 boys (OK and me and the Mrs :) ) to enjoy. I have a rather large back yard and there's a good spot between 4-5 trees where I can place the pool with plenty room around it. I know the first step to a successful installation is prepping the ground to make sure it's level so I asked my neighbor who had an above ground pool for many years (and has a tractor..and knows how to do just about anything!) for advice. He immediately began telling me I was wasting my time with an above ground pool, it's too hot here in Southeast Texas and he was constantly having to add more chemicals as the excessive hot water was burning through them all the time. Eventually said well if you can find a way to keep the water cool you might be able to manage it. I've had a few other friends tell me it's just a huge money pit, so I'm trying to get answers from those who've been through it ahead of time :).

First, as for the temperature....I plan on getting a large enough shade cloth to string between the trees and shade the entire pool and then some. I think this preventative measure might be the most effective in keeping the water from getting blazing hot. Next, I've heard a few folks from southern, humid areas say that installing a simple water fountain and running it at night can do wonders to cool the water. I thought all of the water coolers, evaporative coolers, radiators didn't really work well when the outside temperature isn't much different than the water, or in a region where the humidity is already high, but a few folks here seem to suggest that they've had good success cooling their water with a pretty crude/simple pvc array with a bunch of holes in it to make your own fountain/sprinkler. So my first question in all that rambling is: Has someone in the deep, humid south had good luck with both a shade cover and fountain/sprinkler? Is one sufficient or are both needed? Are there any other things that make a big difference in keeping the water from cooking your alive :).

My next question is ongoing maintenance of the pool. I know a lot of above ground pools come with pumps and filters that are nothing short of criminal. This one seems to have a semi decent sand filter/pump. I've heard chlorine is off the charts but it looks like liquid chlorine could be used for a more manageable maintenance cost. Is there a great benefit early on attempting to convert to a different pump/filter or a salt water system? Since I'm buying a relatively inexpensive pool and hoping to use relatively inexpensive methods to keep it cool, I don't mind spending some money if the price/performance ratio warrants it, but don't want to spend above the cost of the pool swapping out something that isn't going to benefit me much.

OK I've rambled enough...if you have any advice, personal experiences, etc. you can share I would greatly appreciate it. Or if you have any other advice for a pool noob I'm open to that as well. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
we have the intex above grn 9 x 18 and cover it with shade screen directly over it during the day. i set it up on a couple cables so i could slide it out of the way during the day when we got in the pool. we have used it for about 4-5 yrs and it definitely keeps the pool cooler than without it.. by about 8-10 degrees.. although we are in a hotter, drier area of the country, the hot sun is the hot sun... with out the shade, the pool got up to body temp,, too warm,! with the use of the shade it stays around just below 90degrees. and my wife likes that temp just fine.. i believe it is an 80 or 90% shade..
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we have the intex above grn 9 x 18 and cover it with shade screen directly over it during the day. i set it up on a couple cables so i could slide it out of the way during the day when we got in the pool. we have used it for about 4-5 yrs and it definitely keeps the pool cooler than without it.. by about 8-10 degrees.. although we are in a hotter, drier area of the country, the hot sun is the hot sun... with out the shade, the pool got up to body temp,, too warm,! with the use of the shade it stays around just below 90degrees. and my wife likes that temp just fine.. i believe it is an 80 or 90% shade..
thanks! My neighbor is telling me I won't be able to control the temps due to the sidewalls absorbing the heat throughout the hot summer but I feel like I'm in too deep (pun intended) on the project to turn back now...I got some fill dirt in cause where I need the pool to be is in a low spot and scraping it down to level would result in an even bigger pit in the yard! still need to finish reinforcing the shade sail and getting the dirt to the backyard/leveled....pool should arrive on Tuesday so I'm much further behind now than I wanted to be by the time the pool arrived.
You cannot build the ground up with dirt- only dig down to virgin compacted ground.
The pool is extremely heavy once filled with water & will compact the filled in dirt & become unlevel. The only way to properly build up the base is with compacted crusher run gravel.
You cannot build the ground up with dirt- only dig down to virgin compacted ground.
The pool is extremely heavy once filled with water & will compact the filled in dirt & become unlevel. The only way to properly build up the base is with compacted crusher run gravel.
Aaaarrrggghhh this keeps getting more complicated 😵‍💫. Ok let me see what kind of pit I’ll have scraping it down to level. I guess this is where it gets even more important to know exactly where the footprint will be 😬. And I knew the scraping thing at one point but forgot in all the other details I’ve been fretting about. Thanks for the reminder!!!

There are plenty of low spots in my yard that could stand that dirt so it won’t be wasted..#silverlining
Sorry for the frustration folks...things were going along nicely..then the shade sail started ripping at the corners...then I got sick most of last week so didn't make any progress in reinforcing the sail or prepping the now I've got a pile of dirt in my driveway I probably shouldn't have gotten (or shouldn't have gotten this early). I'm probably about to get an HOA letter about it so I'll need to temporarily relocate it to the back till I know what I'm doing with it...I've got gravel i'll likey need to get once I've scraped the pad down level...but I don't know the exact pad location till I get the re-inforced shade sail strung up and watch for the best average shade coverage. summation...It's pretty much just like any other big project I've ever done :p. I really feel that me and Mr. Bean have a lot in common when attempting some of these things. I don't fancy myself a dumb person but I am often humbled by projects like this...
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I have had both a shade & sprinkler- they both help tremendously. The key with the sprinkler is running it before the pool gets too hot to swim in & keeping it going.
My neighbor’s pool was like a bathtub & mine was still refreshing & he has an inground pool. He didn’t think a $20 sprinkler would do anything. Wrong 😑
Currently my large above ground is placed so that it gets shaded by my house starting at about 3:00 or so. During the dog days I run my sprinkler at night & during the day.
The more height the better evaporative cooling u get!
View attachment 406961View attachment 406962
I'm really interested in your pool shade. Was this a DIY solution or something you purchased online?
I'm really interested in your pool shade. Was this a DIY solution or something you purchased online?
It was just a cheap tarp - (which I don’t recommend because they break down quickly & get little flecks in the pool) . There are better options like the mesh tarps at harbor freight.
The poles are just 3/4” pvc electrical conduit put together (not glued) - i bent them some with a heater to bow them & painted them brown for my chicken coop roof, then repurposed them for the pool. They got their third life as the support for the tarps of my dog’s kennel.
I just shoved them next to the pool uprights in between the liner & the vinyl strap & used zip ties & a couple bungees to secure everything.
12' x 24' above ground pool within the next month
I know the first step to a successful installation is prepping the ground to make sure it's level so I asked my neighbor who had an above ground pool for many years (and has a tractor..and knows how to do just about anything!) for advice
I'm trying to get answers from those who've been through it ahead of time :).
You are definitely on the right track! Welcome to TFP with an awesome community of pool enthusiasts who want to be in control of their pool!!

First, as for the temperature....I plan on getting a large enough shade cloth
installing a simple water fountain and running it at night
We actually use large patio umbrellas. The first few years we used an umbrella stand, but those rusted out, so we poured our own concrete bases (with a PVC pipe to slide the umbrella pole in and out of)

The fountain does work well!

My next question is ongoing maintenance of the pool
I know a lot of above ground pools come with pumps and filters that are nothing short of criminal
I've heard chlorine is off the charts but it looks like liquid chlorine could be used for a more manageable maintenance cost
We barely spend any money on the maintenance of our pool (granted it is slightly smaller) and it stays crystal clear now that we are using TFP methods :D Upgrading the filter & pump is the single best investment we can make on our AGP :D And a good, proper, water testing kit. You don't waste money on pool store potions and since you test BEFORE adding chemicals, you don't add anything that isn't necessary!
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It was just a cheap tarp - (which I don’t recommend because they break down quickly & get little flecks in the pool) . There are better options like the mesh tarps at harbor freight.
The poles are just 3/4” pvc electrical conduit put together (not glued) - i bent them some with a heater to bow them & painted them brown for my chicken coop roof, then repurposed them for the pool. They got their third life as the support for the tarps of my dog’s kennel.
I just shoved them next to the pool uprights in between the liner & the vinyl strap & used zip ties & a couple bungees to secure everything.

Thanks for the insight. Think I'm going to play around with some PVC next weekend. :)
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