Algae question

Jul 11, 2016
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
This is my second year with this pool. First year I used the standard pool store stuff: shock, pucks, etc.. All was OK the first year, but I always had an algae problem. I would shock and it would disappear for about a week, but it always came back. I opened the pool 3 weeks ago. It was totally clear from what I used to winterize. I started with the BBB method this year. After 2 weeks everything was great. I put a solar cover on. I have not been in the pool yet due to in-climate weather. I have been checking daily and my levels are:
Chlorine - 3 to 3.5
Free Chlorine - 0
PH - 7.5
Alkalinity - 100

I run the pump 4-5 hours a day.

When I pulled the solar cover off today I had a pretty good amount of algae on the bottom. I vacuumed, added more chlorine and I am currently running the pump. It is clearing up fairly quickly.

I have not used the pool and the weather here has been cloudy and rainy. Is this normal?

No, it's not normal. The first question is what is your CYA level. FC should always be maintained in ration to CYA following this chart - [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

Without the CYA I don't know if you are too low on the FC, but I'm guessing you are.
No, it's not normal. The first question is what is your CYA level. FC should always be maintained in ration to CYA following this chart - [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

Without the CYA I don't know if you are too low on the FC, but I'm guessing you are.

Thanks for your response. Looks like my CYA is 90. What do you suggest?
There is your problem. With a CYA of 90 FC should never go below 7. The high CYA locks up the chlorine,,thus algae can grow. See [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

It is simple, you need to exchange water to get the CYA to a reasonable level and conduct the full SLAM Process process.

What test kit are you using?
Taylor, I think it's a TF100, not sure tho. Tested again and it may be closer to 80. I'm going to take a sample to a pool store and have them test it. I'll report their results later. I had it tested last year at this time and CYA was zero. When I opened the pool there was no algae at all. However, as I stated before, I did have algae issues last year.
Skip the pool store, we trust your number more than theirs.

CYA is the one they most often get wrong.

Does your test kit contain a FAS/DPD chlorine test that uses a powder to turn the sample pink, then drops to measure FC? You posted "Chlorine 3-3.5 & FC 0", that would mean that CC = 3-3.5ppm, which suggests problems in the water.

Please post a complete set of test results including:
FC - 3-3.5
CC- 0
pH - 7.5
TA - 100
CYA - 80

I've never done a CH test, I have to see if it can be done with my kit. The chlorine test with the kit does not use powder. It's 5 drops of R1 then 5 drops of R2. That's FC, then add 5 drops of R3 to get CC. (Not sure what's in the "R" bottles). According to the pool math calculator I would have to drain 50% of my pool at 80 CYA. Does this sound right?

FC - 3-3.5
CC- 0
pH - 7.5
TA - 100
CYA - 80

I've never done a CH test, I have to see if it can be done with my kit. The chlorine test with the kit does not use powder. It's 5 drops of R1 then 5 drops of R2. That's FC, then add 5 drops of R3 to get CC. (Not sure what's in the "R" bottles). According to the pool math calculator I would have to drain 50% of my pool at 80 CYA. Does this sound right?

Is your kit in a big blue box? If so you have a K-2005, not the TF-100. The TF-100 comes in a clear tackle box, but there is a smaller blue box inside.

Yes, if your CYA is 80 and you want it at 40 you have to drain 50% of the pool.
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