Algae bloom in the presence of proper chlorine level?


Jun 3, 2013
Dunwoody, GA
We had some heavy rains yesterday, and last night noticed not only pool was very full, above skimmer but also blue/green and a bit cloudy. I checked with simple test Saturday and chlorine was FC 6


CYA30 (need to raise)
CH 125

I went ahead and slammed after dropped the water, in hindsight should have vacuumed to waste (lesson for anyone)

Is it possible to have a bloom in the presence of proper chlorine level?
Usually, no.

Most often, what you describe is the result of yard debris being washed into the pool via overflowing landscaping. Is it possible that happened? Do you have any photos of the pool and pool area that will help us?
That is certainly possible from all the heavy rain, there was quite a bit of dirt

Here are some pics from today


We recently had many days of very heavy rain in which I had to waste water several times. Each time either before or after the rain, I added more bleach to offset the effects of the organics that were getting into the pool. My water, too, seemed cloudy but my numbers were good. You can probably just bump up your FC level a bit and run your filter, and given a bit of time (and no rain!) it should clear like mine did.
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