Air Bubbles in Return Jets


LifeTime Supporter
May 3, 2011
Rochester, MN
I'm finally just getting my pool up and running for the year. I decided to replace my pump as it was 10 years old and was getting pretty loud at the end of last year. When I installed the new pump today, I too have bubbles coming out the return.

I realize this is after the pump and therefore on the pressure side, but could a bad multiport valve or spider gasket cause bubbles? They too are over 10 years old and have not been replaced...

When I open the pressure relief valve on the filter, there is a lot of air built up in there before water comes out...

Thanks for any and all help!

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Re: Air Bubbles in Return Jets and No Suction when Vacuuming via skimmer

When I open the pressure relief valve on the filter, there is a lot of air built up in there before water comes out...
If this only stops the air coming out of the returns for a short period of time while the pump continues to run, then it is probably a suction side air leak. However, if the air stops coming out of the returns until the pump is shut off, remains off for several hours and when turned back on again starts showing air again, then it is probably a pressure side leak.
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