Above ground pool drained and left dry


Jun 21, 2019

We have an above ground pool we purchased back in 2018. Last summer, I had to fully drain it but then got busy and was not able to attend to it throughout the summer. Now, i tried cleaning it and put water but noticed there are leaks on the corners. I tried patching it with HDX path repair kit but didnt work. Any advice? Is it worth it to try repairing it? Im
Not sure if there are any other holes. Thank you in advance
If it’s a liner in a metal wall pool it’s a goner, especially if it was left with zero water and full sun. It takes only one hot sunny day to shrink it, and it won’t stretch back out, unless it was new.(oops. Me and dude above me said the same thing. Must have low key read his opinion and plagiarized it)
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