First Time Opening Pool

Jul 16, 2014
Westport, CT
Hi all, I posted in another thread from 5 yrs ago and was advised to start a new one. I turned to the BBB method last year, after my CYA levels went through the roof from the "pool store" methods.

In any event, I opened the pool this year (despite closing at mustard algae shock level and draining the water 30% down) to wacky readings (eg low TA but high pH). One more thing to note is that I opened to a green algae bloom and likely some residual mustard algae.

PH 8.2+ (9 per pool store, rich magenta color beyond scale of my Taylor test)
TC 1.5 (I just added enough 12.5% bleach to bring to 17 FC for mustard shock level)
TA 60 (70 per pool store)
CH 175 (140 per pool store)
CYA 25

I'm wasn't sure what to do first as I have no idea what my real PH is. The pool store suggested bringing my alkalinity up first, and then adding acid, and finally calcium hardness. They warned not to put the hardness increaser in at the same time as soda ash or the alkalinity up.

I am using baking soda, muriatic acid (using home depot Kleane Strip Green @ 20% HCL), and BJs ice melt (99% calcium chloride) instead of the pool store products.

I spent the better part of today scrubbing, and did just add about 40 lbs of ice melt and just finished shocking again to 17 FC.

Would appreciate any advice on whether or not I really have a pH and TA issue.

Stay out of the pool store ... do you want to follow their methods or ours? In your first sentence you said they screwed you and were now following our methods, but then you go back and have them test and give bad advice :scratch:

You TA is fine. Leave it.
You should have lowered the pH into range before raising the FC. The pH test is not valid when FC > 10ppm.

Once the pH is in the lower 7s, then follow the ShockLevelAndMAINTAIN Process.
Thanks @jblizzle. You're right and I deserve that... I went in to get a second opinion on my testing results but also a bit of old habit.

My FC is already up high, but I'll go and get some 30+% muriatic acid tomorrow to lower pH. I'm hesitant to use my home depot Kleane Strip Green product based on other threads in this forum (no one knows what the other ingredients are although I do know its 20% HCL based on page 2 of

2 questions:
1. I suppose I should still keep up the FC until i'm able to get the muriatic acid tomorrow morning (unless someone here thinks its safe to use what I already have)
2. Is 16 hours enough time between adding the Sodium Chloride and then the muriatic acid?

Thank you all so much!
(As an aside, I am ecstatic that I've gotten this far using my own two hands and the help on this forum (e.g. closing, opening, reconnecting equipment, etc).)
I would let the FC drop below 10ppm and then get the pH adjusted. Verify the pH 30 minutes after adding the muriatic acid.

30 minutes is more than enough time between the bleach and the acid ... I have been know to wait much less than that :cop:
Thanks again.

I also just noticed that the pressure gauge on my DE filter keeps running up quickly. Once recharged with DE (60 sq ft), the pressure is at 12psi,... but it very quickly goes up to ~25psi after a few hours (2-3).

I already emptied it once (and the DE looked clean?). Shall I empty it again or am I doing something wrong?
To be fair, the pool was green, but then again, this seems to be happening very quickly and I can't imagine that I'd need to go through that much DE.
nevermind... another n00b mistake. I did a search on the forum, and it seems that the pressure rise can indeed happen that quickly mid algae bloom.
I suppose I'll just have to go and buy more DE.

Putting the filter and grids back together again was a huge PITA so I'm hoping that when I backwash to the separation tank, most of the gunk is coming off the filter grids (as well as taking the thing apart, which I'm hoping not to do).
The filter is doing what it is supposed to capturing debris out of the water ... And you have a green algae problem. DE filters are very efficient at getting clogged up with algae :D

You could run on recirculate for a bit until you kill most of the algae (pool is more white) and then start filtering it all out.

BTW, we recommend backwashing when the pressure rises 20-25% over the clean pressure.

- - - Updated - - -

There is this related to taking the filter apart, may not help at this point: DE Filter Cleaning Tutorial
Thanks jblizzle! That thread was actually spot on. I think I added too much the first time, then added the recommended amount the 2nd time, so have probably am over given the residual DE left behind.

Shutting off the pump causes the DE to fall off the grids, and brings the pressure back to ~12psi. I'll try this a few more times to see if it was a fluke, but if it keeps rising, i'll take your recirculate tip. Hadn't thought of that but its a good idea for the overnight since I won't be monitoring the pressure.
Two things are most important in maintaining pool water. PH and chlorine. The rest is important too, but it just goes wrong slower than PH and chlorine.
It is important to maintain PH between 7.2 and 7.8. As Jason mentioned the PH test is not valid when chlorine is above 10 ppm.
Chlorine must be maintained above the minimum level for your CYA level at all times to avoid algae growing in your pool. Here is the Chlorine CYA Chart
Amen pooldv. I can't wait until I have my pool 100% under control. Last year was a nightmare when my cya was 150+. I managed to drain water and get down to a CYA of about 50 (harrowing experience with fears of popping out gunite as I don't have any hydrostatic valves) and even then, it cost quite a bit of chlorine to maintain mustard shock levels. I couldn't quite do it and I closed the pool hoping for a better next season.

With CYA at 25, it takes quite a bit less chlorine to get up to mustard shock SLAM levels. I might just be able to do it this time! Thanks for everyone's help. The water is already mostly clear. Probably another day or two of running the DE filter.

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OMG, thanks again for that jblizzle. I've got to learn to read,... and for that matter, looks like it would serve me well to repeat-poolschool.
Hold for 24 hours AFTER a SLAM is complete... The fool that I am. Imagine the bleach that I've wasted thus far... Glad someone set me straight!
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