Fc test


LifeTime Supporter
May 23, 2015
Burlington, Wa
Just recieved my TF 100
Pool is 8 foot deep, cloudy halfway down ,cannot see the drain

FC 3.5
CC .5
PH 7.6
TA 130
CH 171
CYA 60

Pool math says to slam to 24 add 4gal 2 qt 10% chlorine

8 hrs later FC 34 CC .5

Next morning FC 30.5 CC .5

Why did chlorine jump to 34 maybe it is higher than 10%

So I shouldnt have to add chlorine until it drops below 24?
Looks like you used PootMath correctly, so ...

Either the bleach was strong, the pool is smaller than you think, or both ... or there was a testing error with the first test?

Just wait until the FC level drops and keep it at 24ppm.
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