Pool Light repair


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Sep 15, 2013
Fayetteville, NC
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Seems it would be a reasonably good idea to repair/replace the light in our pool (that underwent repairs last weekend) prior to adding the water back in on Thursday.

But I haven't the slightest idea where to head with this.

The light worked when we originally purchased the house. At some point it stopped working. Thought it was just the bulb, but turned out not to be. So we cut the fixture off from the cord (leaving the housing intact) in order to find a duplicate. Long story, but we no longer have the fixture.

From what I have read, we are going to be forced to pull the line out and thread through another. Is this right? Why can't we just splice the ends together?

Second, what do I need to look for? These are the pics I have and what I know:

Wet niche
11 1/2 inches across
Roughly 7 inches deep

One main wire with standard black (hot), white (neutral), and green (ground).
Heavy rubber insulation around main.


Third number (that's covered) is 789xxx:


As the house the pool belongs to is now a rental, we aren't looking for anything fancy.
Is this something the local pool store might have in stock?

Many thanks!
You can not splice the wires as the area below the water level is a wet area and there is no way to ensure the connection will be dry. You have to open the deck box, and pull the old wire out. When you do this tie a string/rope to the wire at the light end and pull it thru with the old wire. You can then use this to pull the new wire in. By the look of the putty at the conduit opening the old conduit may have a leak. You will most likely need to seal this up when you pull the new wire in.
What is a deck box?

Presumably it's an access point that's above where the light is? If such exists for our pool, it's under no less than 6" of concrete decking.

The switch for the light is inside the pool pump house and is probably 30' from the light.

Considering the age of the pool, we are a bit skeptical that feeding through wire could be an easy task.

Certainly don't want anyone electrocuted though! Is there such a thing as a battery operated light? Maybe solar?
There's what looks to me like a breaker box inside the pump house. Is that it?
The pool is at least 30 years old.
Looking at a replacement, there is no way I'm spending $250 on a piece of metal! Lol!
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