Design your Pool Cleaner---Earn $10 while supporting TFP!


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine and TFP have worked together to offer you a chance to help design a product you ultimately would use., a professional research organization is doing a survey that will be used in the development and design of a new line of pool vacuum cleaners by a major U.S. company. This survey will occur in Mid-May, however they are accepting sign ups now. For your time you will receive $10 upon the completion of the survey, plus will donate $5 to TFP. Please help support the forum with its operating costs, while earning some cash for yourself.

To take this survey please Click Here to register. Thomas Davenport from PoolResearch will then contact you shortly with some extra details about this opportunity. TFP encourages each of you to spend 20minutes or so to work with to help design this new model. We hope you please take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask away. This survey is open to ALL members of TFP, so please speak up!

Do we have to have our pool built?? I'm afraid all I could offer for a pool cleaner is a design of a cute pool boy! But if they want newbie input, I definitely qualify for that.

Where I really excel is in proofing and editing instructional materials. If I can understand how to do something, anyone can. I've adapted a guidance book/manual to reach more readability levels (only as a volunteer for a non-profit, not as a paid employee). Maybe they will need help in that area when the time comes...... Thanks. Suz.

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I talked Thomas' ear off on the phone a month or so ago. I was fun talking to him and he asked lots of good questions.
Im 89.5% sure I about talked him into building himself a pool!
Im looking forward to the next survey!
Lots of us felt the same way when this subject first came up several week ago. He approached TFP through the admins and asked if it was ok to talk to some of us and we were assured this is not a resource mining gag.

He was very polite and this isnt a marketing gag. Thomas is straight up. Several of us have spoken to him on the phone and the conensus the same from everyone who did.

He isnt trying to sell anything and there isnt any spamming or advertising at all. There is no "website".
He is an engineer that was hired by a pool clearner manufacturer. He wont say who.

His goal is to talk to people and what they like and dont like about our pool cleaners, and relay that back to who hired him.
Above ground pools don't qualify. :-(

I've sent Tom an email pleading about this. Don't give up hope. :D

He isnt trying to sell anything and there isnt any spamming or advertising at all. There is no "website".
He is an engineer that was hired by a pool clearner manufacturer. He wont say who.

Even more than "He won't say who" he can't say who. He and his company has signed a non disclosure agreement that will not release the name of the company. This is VERY common in this type of cases.
Hi guys,
Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far, we're getting a good turnout.

We really appreciate it. The more #'s we get, the better the results will be out the other end (and the more $ we can raise for TFP)
I know I've said it before, your details are safe with us. We won't try to sell you anything or share your details with others, we're just trying to understand your needs so we can point the client in the right direction with their development efforts.

Regarding above ground pools, I'd love to include them, but they are out of scope for this project. Maybe on the next project.



Also, if you've got any other questions, please post them up here. Happy to answer them.

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