New Pool Build - Conroe, TX - LOTS of pics! Come say hi Y'all.


LifeTime Supporter
Feb 27, 2015
Centerville, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Truclear / Ei
Okay gang, I am a total photo bug - so I will be posting LOTS of pictures! We signed a contract 3/31, have received HOA approval on 4/6 and are not so patiently waiting for our appraisal to get funding via Home Improvement Loan. If - - - <insert sight> we don't qualify for the Home Improvement Loan, we will go through a lending source - probably Lightstream. BUT - I will have to make some cuts if that is the case. I am already $15K over budget - - - - - but seriously, there is NOTHING I can bare to give up!

We bought our home about 3 years ago and it came with an AGP with nice decking around it - I knew from day 1, I wanted an inground pool. We finally have an acre to work with and it was a done deal! (in my mind). The hubs took some convincing. He insisted I saved 1/2 of the funds before we signed a contract. I saved a lot - over a 1/3 - but with a lot of kisses, begging and drinks - he conceded. WINNING! :cool:

We had lots of quotes and narrowed it down to 3, then 2 and finally picked the favorite. We signed a contract - BUT I am STILL reading and finding things that I should have asked for or determined before signing. ugh But anyways - I thought I would start with the stats that I pulled from the contract and some before and during pictures. (we had to take out a lot of decking to get ready)

Free form
87 Ln Ft
436 Sq Ft
33’ X 17’ X 13’ X 15’ (waterline to waterline)
3’6” - 5’6” - 4’6” Sports Pool (PROBABLY)

12’6” X 7’ Baja Shelf with two bubblers and umbrella sleeve 6" depth
Small Doggie Beach entry
5’ Bench with step out

Pebble Sheen Blue Granite
Flagstone Coping (may go with MossRock)
6” standard Ceramic Tile

7’ Custom 12” raised spa with 3 ton Moss Rock waterfall into spa and 6’ stone spillway
20’ Moss Rock Weeping Wall with 2 Scuppers

800 Sq Ft Decking - Spray Deck

Pentair Clean and Clear 420 Filter
Pentair IntelliFlo XF Pump
SuperFlo 1.5 HP Feature Pump
Rainbow 320 in-line Chlorinator
Pentair Master Temp Heater
Pentair GloBrite Color LED (3)
Dolphin M4 Robotic Cleaner
EasyTouch4 with Smart Phone App (Option) - if I get this - I also get a Pal Treo light on the Baja Shelf - but is it worth the $1800 upgrade?

2 Skimmers
1 Fill Line
1 Overflow
4 Main Drains
6 Return Lines (Minimum)

Pictures coming!
I don't know what the light is. My Easytouch 4ch with remote was about 1300 installed. No apps, just the remote.

Edit: this is ways exciting! Show us the yard and and as soon as you can. We will want to see...
Here are some pictures of the before property - it came like this when we bought it - the pool and the deck. We actually REALLY enjoyed this pool and deck!

[/url]House by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Back of house by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Back of house by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Back of house by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Back of house by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
We took down the pool a week ago and then took down the deck this past weekend. WHAT A MESS!!

[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

- - - Updated - - -

We have a VERY pleasant surprise when we removed the deck!!! We have a concrete patio that is NOT on the survey! AND it was poured with the foundation - so we can tie into it when we pour the rest of the decking!

[/url]Untitled by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
NOW for the exciting part! THE POOL!!!!!!

If you notice - there have been some changes to the shape and layout of the decking - the first 2 pictures are just really re-working the decking. The other pictures are more details for the pool.

[/url]BaldwinFINAL2_002 by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]BaldwinFINAL2_003 by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]Pool by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]Pool by misplaced_texan_usaf, on Flickr[/IMG]

- - - Updated - - -

Patrick - hmm I would much rather pay $1300. My Options page says: Add EasyTouch4 Control Panel with Smart Phone Application for $1800 (and then they told me that they will throw in the Pal Treo Light if I get the upgrade). So the light shouldn't be part of the cost. Does yours have the Smart phone app also?
Thanks Aloha! We actually have a lot more than just the fenced in area - we are planning on extending our fence to include the back property (extending the privacy part another 20 or 30 feet back and then fencing in the remaining with the wood/wire you see in the back). It has been raining for what seems like WEEKS non-stop around here and the backyard looks terrible right now - it is all muddy and has holes due to the deck removal. Probably not the best timing since the appraiser just called and will be here on Thursday. Fingers crossed . . . I NEED that appraisal to come in on POINT!
Exciting! Can you add more decking? You have such a HUGE beautiful yard, you are going to be living out there once the pool is in. I don't think you can ever have toooooo much decking. And you are going to want an outdoor kitchen later.
@Sunbaby yes it has been raining like crazy here for the past few weeks. While I don't want to complain after the 2011 drought I am ready for some warm sunny Texas weather. You have a awesome looking yard I can't wait to see the finished pool!
We could add more decking if I wasn't $15k over Budget already! The property actually goes beyond the fence, we have an acre. So in my dream world, in a few years we fence in the entire property and on the far side, I add an open pool house with an outdoor kitchen! But the hubs is NOT ready to hear that dream . . . Yet.

- - - Updated - - -

Flippy, I couldn't agree more!

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Jabooh1 I am hoping to!!! I've got a surveillance system with 2 nice cams pointed in the backyard. But I have no idea how to get the video & edit it. I want a gopro. . .

Checking out your build NOW!
The app is TimeLapse TimeLapse by LLC

There are a lot of them so look for the one by xyster. You can set a start time, duation, frames per second, etc. play around with it on some tests as it took me a few to get it right.

I set it up in a second story bedroom that has a window overlooking the backyard. I plugged it in and set the time each night. One trick, if your windows fog in the morning (we do a lot in Houston) cut a potatoe in half and rub it on the OUTSIDE of the window where the camera will look through. Potatoe juice works as a natural defogger and will last a couple days. Then you can do it again.
I only have a 1-story. Hmm, I wonder if I can get a high enough angle.
Potato juice? Learn something new everyday!
Thank you so much for this info!!!

Love the design and all that backyard space! You should keep that wood from the deck to use for some refurb projects down the road. You can power-wash, stain, chalk paint, or leave natural. Dig around on Pinterest for ideas, if you are interested!

I've seen some pretty nice looking pool side & deck planters, clever pool benches, big backyard swings (use a baby mattress for sitting pad), storage chests, pool towel hangers, etc made from refurb'ed wood panels. (Think outside of the box like Jo Jo Gaines on HGTV!) You have such great space and I can see such terrific potential with this outdoor living space. In fact, check out the cozy large swings on Pinterest too. We made one for the back porch, and it's everyone's favorite spot to chill when not in the pool. You have the perfect spot for one.

I know, I know...more $$$, but if you can use the wood, maybe save some bucks. I'll be following you through this adventure.
Thanks Golderdog! We are keeping some of the wood to extend the wood/wire fence next year - - - - I have promised most of the decking to my BFF that is getting my pool and equipment - should have thought that out more . . .
It looks great! Can't wait to see more pictures. We are in the "holding" stages of our pool build. They were supposed to be out to dig today...but we were postponed due to all the rain we have had -- and they didn't want to start and then more rain is on the horizon. I know it is the right thing to do...but ugh! I'm so impatient to get started!!

Also -- I understand what you mean about signing the contract, and then continuing to learn that you should have asked a thousand more questions! I feel exactly the same.
Corporate Zombie - Will the rain ever stop?!?! This as been one of the wettest few months ever! Have you started a build thread yet? Hopefully you will get to play in the dirt soon! I have never been a weather watcher until we started this process - now Im constantly thinking - that storm is going to push everyone's pools back by 4 days! :)

I feel like I am bugging my PB to death. I come up with new questions on a daily basis. Hopefully they don't think I am too high-maintenance!

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