Another Pool Build in Cypress, TX

Suz told me to post this here for her to see. We paid off the house yesterday and I bought this today. Look in the background and you can see one of our neighbor horses named Norma. She has to check out everything that goes on around here!

What a week!


- - - Updated - - -

ummmmm good that is me with plants. If you do NOT want a plant to grow give it to me. Now if you want a dog or cat to grow and thrive I AM your gal! LOL

Kim: Thanks for posting that beautiful car! Watch out for tickets! It won't take long for the Dudley Do-Right Boys to soon have you on their radar!!

Ummm: A friend of mine gave me some advice almost 40 years ago. Her gardens were the most beautiful I'd ever seen. I asked her what her secret was. She said you move a dying plant to a different location to give it one more chance. If it doesn't work, throw it out. And don't buy that same plant again. Just keep trying different plants, and you WILL find ones that live. Always trash the dead ones, and NEVER tell anyone about your failures. That's how I garden! And it works!

I did discover a 'secret' three years ago that is amazing. I transplanted an old China rose to a different spot. It was the first week of August, and the guys said, "Lady, this bush will never live." That was all I needed to hear... I Google and found a few notes about using aspirin water on weak plants or to make any plant healthier. It works systemically. I dissolve 2 plain, non-coated aspirin in a gallon of water in a watering can. Double it for large plants. Sprinkle as much as you can on the leaves and stalks and the rest at the roots. That rose bush had died down to one cane, and it looked dead. That rosebush is now 3 times the size it was.

Before mobility issues set in, I used the aspirin water on my driveway roses, and that season I had no bugs, black spot, or disease. It also saved my impatiens and soil from milky mildew the year that was going around.

We're trying it on our lemon tree transplant, but I haven't been able to be as faithful as I should be. If I had time, I would use the aspirin water on all the new plants. I believe you're to do it about every two weeks for about 6weeks to give a plant a leg up.

Costs very little, so it's worth a try. I believe in it!

Good luck!
Love the car, Kim. Always wanted a red car! I had a mustang when I was a teenager: 1965. Love them!

Speaking of plants, what do you recommend for around the pool? We are putting in two beds for plants/flowers. We may wait to plant until fall, but I'd love to hear what you all are planting.

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Love the car, Kim. Always wanted a red car! I had a mustang when I was a teenager: 1965. Love them!

Speaking of plants, what do you recommend for around the pool? We are putting in two beds for plants/flowers. We may wait to plant until fall, but I'd love to hear what you all are planting.

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What about some citronella plants? Can't claim they're great in keeping off the Mosquitos, but I do think they help.

Suz told me to post this here for her to see. We paid off the house yesterday and I bought this today. Look in the background and you can see one of our neighbor horses named Norma. She has to check out everything that goes on around here!

What a week!


- - - Updated - - -

ummmmm good that is me with plants. If you do NOT want a plant to grow give it to me. Now if you want a dog or cat to grow and thrive I AM your gal! LOL


Well it is a mustang! Quite appropriate that Norma is interested. ;-)

My very first car (late 80's) was a 1966 red convertible Mustang. The top was white and it had red pony interior.

She was SWEET.
Speaking of plants, what do you recommend for around the pool? We are putting in two beds for plants/flowers. We may wait to plant until fall, but I'd love to hear what you all are planting.

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Jannylee, you're going to have fun plant shopping! In the Houston area, it's seems we're now in a drought period. Now, I'm wishing for some rain - just once or twice a week, please. I don't want to interfere with anyone's pool build!

If you guys in Manor are short of rain, also, it would be a better idea to wait until October. You could probably get away with September, if some cool fronts make it down to Manor. A lot of what you select will be determined by availability. I can dream all I want about the plants to plant, but I can't plant them if I can't buy them.

My favorites are perennials that will bloom at least once a year. And I like either evergreen or nice fall foliage. A lot of nurseries will try to sell you 'screen' bushes (but you didn't mention needing anything taller) that are evergreen but never bloom. There are too many lovely bushes that make a nice screen or backdrop that will bloom. Don't let them talk you into something boring unless you find the leaf color or growth pattern suits your needs.

I've been out of the Austin area for decades and didn't really get into gardening during that time anyway. So you will have to check anything I list to see how it will do in your climate. Even though we're only about 2 hours away, it is very different in regards to freezes.

One thing I remember from Austin that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE are the bearded iris. So many of the old homes had garden beds full of them and they were amazing. Their blades make a nice filler or backdrop to shorter plants and then are glorious when they bloom. I keep trying to grow them here, but I've had little success.

I don't know how much you know about plants, so forgive me if I tell you things you already know. Many of these may be too large.

Pineapple Guava: will make a nice screen bush or nice to hide the fence; dainty blooms in the spring, and may even produce fruit which makes a nice jelly (I'm told - never made jelly in my life) Pineapple Guava - A great shrub for your Edible Landscape | Edible Landscaping Made Easy With Avis Licht

Dwarf Barbados Cherry: my landscaper really loves this bush, but this will be the first time I've had one. I copied what I found online about it:
This is an outstanding small evergreen shrub for central and south Texas. Leaves are a glossy dark green with an abundance of multi-colored pink flowers from late Spring through the Fall. Flowers are followed by attractive bright red berries that are prized by songbirds. Barbados cherry grows to a maximum height of 3-4' and is easily hedged for a more formal look. It is drought and cold tolerant and will keep its leaves on down to the mid 20's. In unusually cold winters, the plant may freeze to the ground but quickly recovers its original size. Dwarf Barbados Cherry is deer-resistant.

Blue Plumbago: I love this bush for the blue flowers. The bush can get large, but it's not difficult to keep it smaller or average-sized. Sun-loving Blue Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata/capensis) | JohnJacq~s Garden

Viburnum Tinus "Spring Bouquet": Another tallish bush my landscaper loves - I have no experience with it. Here's a link: View Plant | Great Plant Picks

Prostrata Rosemary or Lockwood: Another plant my landscaper loves - Rosmarinus officinalis 'Lockwood de Forest' - I don't think it will get this big..... I hope not
A prostrate variety that grows 2 feet tall and spreads to 6-8 feet, cascading over walls or garden edges. The bright green foliage is covered during the spring bloom of pale blue flowers with sporatic bloom through fall. Plant in full sun. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. This variety is known as Santa Barbara Rosemary as it was discovered here in the Santa Barbara garden of Lockwood and Elizabeth De Forest. The de Forest's speculated that the plant was a spontaneous hybrid between an upright plant that was planted in their garden in 1927 a prostrate rosemary that was planted in the 1930's. Elizabeth deForest, in an article for Pacific Horticulture in 1976 described the pale blue color as "the color of the old French air force uniform". She mentions in this article that it became the most common of prostrate Rosemary cultivars in Santa Barbara. Rosmarinus officinalis 'Lockwood de Forest'San Marcos Growers

Drift Roses: A neighbor has these, and they are lovely! I'm new to them, but if mine do as well as my neighbor's, I'll love them
Drift® Roses are a cross between full-size groundcover roses and miniatures. From the groundcover roses they kept toughness, disease resistance and winter hardiness. From the miniatures, they inherited a well-managed size and repeat-blooming nature. The low, spreading habit of Drift® Roses is perfect for small gardens and combination planters. They brighten borders, fill empty spaces, and spread delicately around established plants.
Drift® Roses are low maintenance and will reward you with endless color all season long. They require no special care, but for best performance, we recommend cutting them back every year in early spring after the last threat of frost has passed.
• Low maintenance
• Blooms from spring to frost
• Full sun
• Zones: 4-11
• Size: 2 1/2' w x 1 1/2' h
• 8 great colors
Drift® Groundcover Roses | Star Roses Plants

Sweet Olive: Planted by my back door for the fragrance. I hope it does well. Another shrub/tree you may not be looking for....

Hostas: die back in the winter but come back. I love their mounding leaves and flower spikes. Hosta Varieties, Perennial Flowers

Lantana: I love the sweet little bouquets of flowers. Very hardy. If it dies back in the winter, it will come back. My grandmother in Austin had these, so I know they work well there. I used the tiny bouquets as my Barbie doll's wedding bouquet whenever she got married. And she married over and over and over again!
Be sure to click on the small pictures in the link to see all the pretty colors!

Siverado Sage: again suggested by my landscaper. I love sage, but he said the one I used to have he didn't like as well as the Silverado. The misty green leaves are a lovely contrast to other green plants.

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: I love this small bush. It blooms in the spring, and the blooms change color over about 3 days - hence the name. Planting Yesterday Today Tomorrow Shrubs – Growing Tips And Care

Verbena: I love the purple (Fuego, Dark Violet); another tiny bouquet flowering plant.

This might get you started and give ideas! Let me know if you need more.....

Happy planting,

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Our Drift roses have been a fantastic addition to the landscape here. We have a dozen spread along a 40' strip above the retaining wall. They have their flush of blooms early in the season and then continue at about 10-20% blooming power most of the summer. They are still going. I just walked over and most have buds that look to continue for the foreseeable future. One did succumb to the disease that causes it to become a super dwarf for lack of a better description. It can happen to branches or the whole plant. They need to be pruned out or the plant disposed of if its the whole thing. Doesn't seem to be a big issue so far. I love them for the hardiness and general health/blooms so far. This is from MD though Suz has given a nod for TX. Cold is certainly no issue. Below 0 multiple times.
I am sooo sorry to hear that. I keep hoping there are still some places doing a great job in the public system. And I'm sorry it's a Texan letting you down. I know you didn't mean it that way, but it does make me sad that a Texan isn't using common sense which seems so simple to me. Maybe she wasn't born here!!! Ha Ha. No, even Texas has our rotten apples in many areas, and sadly education is one. I do think the rural districts get more of it right than the larger city/suburban districts.

I wonder what baloney she pulled up there to get hired?! Hopefully she won't be there long to do any lasting damage. Maybe the winters will run her off!!!


Funny you should mention the winters, Suz. The first snow we had during her term (2014), school was all out cancelled for a mere 1". The following snow, something like 6" within a couple hours was predicted, but then a rapid early afternoon warmup was to melt it all. Unfortunately, school was not cancelled on this day. Many buses were in ditches, it could not make it among the neighborhood streets - and that was in the Southern District.

Everyone makes mistakes. And there was a global understanding that she was new and a bad call made. But what disturbed me was that she did not follow was was recommended to her. It showed a glimpse of what the future public education system held.

There was a reason that Fairfax Co schools were (globally) one of the best in the nation. It was because we didn't follow status-quo. We pretty much set the standard for the rest of the nation.

But now, we find the politics entering.
Half-day Mondays (for elem students) have been done away with. Our teachers have not had a single raise in 3 (or maybe it's 5?) years (hence neighboring counties pay their teachers more than we do (as one of the richest counties in the nation!)). There's this whole thing about changing start times for HS students (cost is $3m(?) to give them an average of a 15 m later start!), and let's not even go down the path of talking about transgender education . . . did you hear about that over in Texas? Might want to look into it . . . it's coming your way (I have zero issue with how others live their life, but let's leave it up to parents or into HS before this subject is broached.)

While VA is not common core, it is common ****. I'm not yet sure which is the lesser of the two evils.
Kim - CONGRATULATIONS! Paying off a house - that's a huge deal!! Love that you bought yourself a pretty red gift afterwards. [emoji4]

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Great plant info Suz. It almost (almost, mind you) makes me want to live in your planting zone! Drift roses .... I'm Googling those as soon as I post this. If bmoreswim has in MD, then they must work in Atlanta as well.

Hope you are relaxing and enjoying your gorgeous pool!

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Hope you are relaxing and enjoying your gorgeous pool!

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Thanks, AmyJo!!! You started my day off with a chuckle..... I'm thrilled to have the pool. And I'm somewhat enjoying it - any time I get in the water, even if it's to brush. I love that part. But relaxing???? Not yet. I hope that day comes. I'm still learning about water chemistry and juggling with adding chemicals and keeping everything balanced. It's not that it is hard to do; it's just new, and I'm not sure of myself yet. I will say, I feel a lot better about it than a week ago - that's progress.

I'm being pulled in so many directions other than the pool, and I don't want to be!!! I want to spend all my time on the pool!!!!

For instance, we have to go buy cat food which is a big deal since we have 4 cats and feed them only canned food. So I'm thinking - Why do these guys have to run out of food today???? Can't they just live on roaches for a month or so??? They are biting into my pool time!

Then there's the laundry! My son has never cared whether his clothes are clean or not until now!!!!

And after 2 plus years of NO visits here, my sister texts that she's coming this Friday or Saturday to see the pool. Now, I'm thrilled she's coming. But do you have any idea how awful my house looks??? The kitchen floor is now brown instead of beige. The wood laminate floors look like dirt floors. Bathrooms? Thank goodness there's no testing for chemicals on my bathrooms! I'm keeping the pool much better. And don't even mention the dust on the furniture!!!! :blah: :blah: :blah:

Oh, and LightStreams asked me on Friday to send glamour shots of the pool. Well, that's very nice, but now the pine needles have decided to fall like crazy, and all our pool toys are happily floating on the water. So there's another hour or two of work to do today!!!

Yes, I'm whining! Go ahead and fuss at me, Bring it on!!!! Surely, there is SOMEONE out there who feels the same way!!! I JUST WANT TO PLAY IN MY POOL!!!!!

So this is why I'm not getting to post and keep up with other threads or have time to take and post pictures. I will post tomorrow the 'glamour' shots I take today. Then all the pool toys can go back in the pool, and I'll send those photos.

Thanks for hangin' in there with me!
"I just wanna play in my pool" They should make that into a song!

Suz after your pool plaster cures it WILL be so much easier! You will be able to even skip a day or two of testing (gasp LOL).

HUGS and thanks for letting me share my good fortune on your thread! I feel so blessed!

"I just wanna play in my pool" They should make that into a song!

Suz after your pool plaster cures it WILL be so much easier! You will be able to even skip a day or two of testing (gasp LOL).

HUGS and thanks for letting me share my good fortune on your thread! I feel so blessed!


Kim, you ARE part of my thread!!!! That's good fortune that should be shouted from the roof tops! (or from TFP threads!!!!).

I know it will get better..... one of these days. I'm more impatient about getting the house and garage in order than I was about the pool being built!!! I have weaned off of testing everything everyday. That has helped.

Note to EVERYONE: All are welcome to share anything on my thread..... Just keep it clean (well, we can all talk about our dirty houses or not so clean pools, although they'll never be truly dirty!). I always hesitate to rant about something or be a little less than positive, but I figure some newbie out there needs to know how reality is so they don't feel out of place with the Oh So Many perfect pool experts here.

I swear.... I love you guys! Please don't take any absences on my part from this or anyone else's threads as lack of appreciation and caring. I'm just not the best at multi-tasking! And I need a little more time to get back some of my energy level! :sleep:

Hugs to all,
Thanks, AmyJo!!! You started my day off with a chuckle..... I'm thrilled to have the pool. And I'm somewhat enjoying it - any time I get in the water, even if it's to brush. I love that part. But relaxing???? Not yet. I hope that day comes. I'm still learning about water chemistry and juggling with adding chemicals and keeping everything balanced. It's not that it is hard to do; it's just new, and I'm not sure of myself yet. I will say, I feel a lot better about it than a week ago - that's progress.

I'm being pulled in so many directions other than the pool, and I don't want to be!!! I want to spend all my time on the pool!!!!

For instance, we have to go buy cat food which is a big deal since we have 4 cats and feed them only canned food. So I'm thinking - Why do these guys have to run out of food today???? Can't they just live on roaches for a month or so??? They are biting into my pool time!

Then there's the laundry! My son has never cared whether his clothes are clean or not until now!!!!

And after 2 plus years of NO visits here, my sister texts that she's coming this Friday or Saturday to see the pool. Now, I'm thrilled she's coming. But do you have any idea how awful my house looks??? The kitchen floor is now brown instead of beige. The wood laminate floors look like dirt floors. Bathrooms? Thank goodness there's no testing for chemicals on my bathrooms! I'm keeping the pool much better. And don't even mention the dust on the furniture!!!! :blah: :blah: :blah:

Oh, and LightStreams asked me on Friday to send glamour shots of the pool. Well, that's very nice, but now the pine needles have decided to fall like crazy, and all our pool toys are happily floating on the water. So there's another hour or two of work to do today!!!

Yes, I'm whining! Go ahead and fuss at me, Bring it on!!!! Surely, there is SOMEONE out there who feels the same way!!! I JUST WANT TO PLAY IN MY POOL!!!!!

So this is why I'm not getting to post and keep up with other threads or have time to take and post pictures. I will post tomorrow the 'glamour' shots I take today. Then all the pool toys can go back in the pool, and I'll send those photos.

Thanks for hangin' in there with me!

My sentiments exactly!![emoji3]

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