I had a couple of tiles fall off, and I need some bottom of pool work


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
Roseville, CA
This is a three part question:

Is replacing tiles above the water line a job I can do, or is this a specialist job? I'm pretty good with most repair things I attempt.

I have some plaster coming off around a couple of the drains that needs to be patched. I tried an underwater plaster once that failed. Is there a two part/epoxy base patch?

And I have a hard "scum line" (calcium silicate, I believe) it's very hard and need to be ground off with pumice. I've seen "soda blasters" at Harbor Freight that are supposed to work. I don't know if that is too hard of a job for me. And BTW, what exactly is this "soda" - sounds very alkaline to me.

So the big question is, should I just ignore it until spring, and then drain the pool and have or do all the repairs at once?

BTW: I'm in the Sacramento area. Very moderate weather.
BTW: I'm planning on going with Borax on the refill.

Thanks in advance, and sorry in advance if this is too long a question! ;)
I'll take the first one. Installing tile is easy enough. Doing it so it looks really professional is much harder. If you have never installed tile before, I would suggest a pro do this.
I had a small bucket of tiles that fell off over the years. I bought a couple of tubs of this stuff- it went on easy and held the tiles firmly. It's rated to set in water too, even though my tiles were above water line. Get a couple because it hardens in 20-30 mins. Then I got a box of grout with sand and used that to fill in the gaps. I ended up using my fingers on the grout, then a bucket and a wet sponge to wipe off the excess. Looks great for a $30 total investment and an hour of time. It was easier to do while standing in the pool.


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