In need of guidance


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 16, 2014
East Northport, NY
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Autopilot Digital PPC4 (RC-52)

I am so glad I found this site and I can come to all of you for assistance. This year has been an utter disaster in terms of chemicals, clarity and all else that goes with being a pool owner. I suppose I was very lucky in the past with crystal clear water and just using the ol' chlorine and PH test kit that I have used for 16 years. I hope the signature details come up but in case they don't we have a 20x40 (30,000+ Gallon), IG vinyl pool with a Hayward Pro Grid DE filter and 1 HP rebuilt Hayward pump. I use chlorine tabs in our chlorinator and in past years I haven't had any issues but this year has been disastrous. So when we opened our pool this summer and got everything working and rolling, added the standard chemicals that I bought from In The Swim (which were fine) I noticed a brown staining and ended up purchasing Ascorbic Acid (after doing some research - because I loathe getting ripped off at the pool store) and everything seemed to be going well. I know that Ascorbic Acid wreaks havoc on other chemicals so I had everything balanced or so I thought. I then have gone through the stages of **** - cloudy, algae, imbalanced etc etc. Every trip to multiple pool stores this summer has left us with spending much $$$ and still I have some Algae on my pool bottom and struggle to keep chlorine (which I like at a high level usually) at an even minor level (told phosphates are the cause which I read here are a myth anyway) and really just a feeling of being ****** off. I have looked into the frog, salt water chlorinator and they just seems like BS.

So basically, I have no issue purchasing the TF100 pool testing kit and I surmise you will say I should and then post the test results. Should I even purchase it now at the end of the pool season? Does it make sense? So after I do that exercise, I imagine that I will do the test, post the findings and I can get the experts help from here to assist me? I am hoping so. Thank you so much in advance for the guidance.
Hi and thank you for your input.

I have had a horrific experience this summer as it relates to pool maintenance this season for the first time in 16 years. I am at my wits end on traveling to pool stores getting different interpretations only to spend $$$ several time over on problems that don't seem to be getting rectified. So without giving a novels worth of info I am at the point where I want to take matters into my own hands. I assume the first step would be to purchase the TF100 test kit and see what I have going on. Does it make sense to get it at this late stage of the season? Also, we have had just so many chemical related problems that I think the pool has been clear and chemically correct (or so I thought) for like 3 weeks. I have been battling green algae which I am told my phosphates are out of control and I read here those are a myth anyway. So I am looking for some help, quality advice and I will follow the direction. I kept this brief since I could go on about the staining and how I bought Ascorbic Acid which worked, rebalanced the chemicals etc. But the Algae seems to disappear and then come back despite shocking and buying all sorts of ****.

So I am looking forward to feedback and thanks!
Awrighty then! :snorkle:
You're right- the TF-100 is your first step. Next is to stay out of the pool stores and avoid the free testing they offer. It is usually inaccurate, and really often just a way to get you to buy things one doesn't really need. Like expensive phosphate reducing products.

After you get your test kit, run your first tests and come post them. Everyone here will help you interpret them and guide you as to what needs to be done.

You are closer to the right track than you think.

It is not too late to get your pool crystal clear and even get a little swim season out of it.

Stop going to any other pool stores you are getting nowhere and only spending money.

For now, Order the TF-100 or the's the bible.

Next, read "The ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry" up in Pool School. You will need to know every aspect of that article. Ask lot's of's the jumping off point.

You kit will come in in just a few days and you will be ready to test and get started. The big delays often come when folks don't pay attention and order the wrong kit which will not help you enough.
Hi Amanda,
The main reason for the TF100 or the K2006 (i would personally recommed the TF100, more bang for the $), is because
1. Pool store testing is notoriously inaccurate.
2. Your own test kit can alert you of an issue before it is visually manifested.
The tritation (drop based) test kits are extremely accurate.

Once we know what your water chemistry is based upon the test results, we can help you get rid of the algae once and for all and get your water parameters in check.

More importantly though, we and TFPC are here for you to learn all you need to know and become unshackeled from the Pool Store.
As a result, you will also save TONS of cash on chemicals and have crystal clear water.

Duraleigh has pointed you to the ABC's which is the starting point.
No one expects you to grasp all of the aspects of pool chemistry or care right off the bat, so please, if you have any questions, post them up, and there are tons of folks here more than willing to help you.
Getting the test kit this year will solve 2 problems. First you can battle the green monster that you have going on right now before you close the pool for the year. Second, if you wait until next year to battle the monster, it is going to take more work, time and more money to get it clear. We all know how life get get and sometimes we loose track of time, If you order it sooner than later, when it comes time to open the pool for next year and you forgot to order it, you wont have to wait the extra days while the test kit is in transit to you.
I 100% completely agree with YippieSkippy, the pool stores are doing the testing for free because they cover their costs by selling you something.
Why get mad when I should cry?

Boy I cannot wait to get the TF-100 and find out what is going on. We have been having the same phenomenon occurring for weeks where our chlorine doesn't seem to register. Pool store tells me you have phosphates, spend $40 bucks, shock the bejesus out of the pool, get a high reading and then just today with our primitive tester of chlorine (OTO) and PH drops lo and behold there is no chlorine. So what did I do? Well I am still guessing and boy is it fun. I have algae so I just dumped a bottle of Blue Seal Imperial Black Algae out to hopefully get rid of the Algae that has been around for quite sometime despite appearing and disappearing for a month. 49.8% of this product is dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride which is basically like Sanskrit to me. I added a quart of that after backwashing. Why? Why not, its fun to waste money right? It's like I am playing Russian roulette with my pool and losing every time. Oh, the other 50% of the ingredients are other ingredients which is telling. Good thing I bought a case of this stuff before I found this awesome site. My guess is that I will see a cloudy pool tomorrow and then shock to get the level up but I am clueless really. I thought I bought bad 3" chlorine tabs or my chlorinator was busted because I can't figure out why there is no chlorine. Pool store??? Phosphate problem.

TF-100 cant get here quick enough and nor can a SWG which I am still researching. Gotta go, have to look for my friends Bud Weiser and Jack Daniels because of this.:D
Re: Why get mad when I should cry?

The symptoms you have described are indicative of a high CYA level and/or an inappropriate FC level for your CYA level.
Tabs contain both cyanuric acid (CYA) and chlorine, the chlorine is consumed but the CYA accumulates. The problem with this is that as CYA increases, you would need to increase your chlorine levels proportionally in order to prevent algae. See the chlorine/CYA chart.

Phosphates are meaningless in a properly balanced pool.

1) Buy bleach. Until the TF-100 arrives, you can add 2-3ppm FC per day to prevent things from going south. Use Pool Math to calculate how much bleach this is.

2) We generally do not recommend the use of algaecides. See if you can return the unopened bottles.

Also, I would recommend you read the articles in Pool School, in particular ABCs of pool water chemistry and how to chlorinate your pool.

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Good Morning Amanda,
Most of us at one time or another have been at a loss as what to do with the pool. Pool stores tell you to buy chemical A and Liquid Gold X for a price that you have to sell your first born to achieve.

Take Abigails advice from her post and go to war with the algae. You have members from all across America, Europe and even from the wonderful continent of Australia wanting you to succeed, so kick some algae tail, make this happen and come back and let us know how it is going (think pictures).

Its going to take a little bit of work battling it out, but don't give up. You can do this.
Thank you for caring! Pool is crystal clear, no algae cya still high and the fc is within range. I am in receipt of the autopilot RC 52 and it is sitting in my dining room. I was going to install it now and then close pool in a couple of weeks but I may close and do it in the spring. I do appreciate the interest and in fact I stopped posting because I didn't want this to become a mundane thread
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