Bottom of Pool is Dirty Everyday


Well-known member
May 5, 2012
Crestwood Ky
After searching the internet and some posts on this site, I still need some help.
Last year our above ground pool began getting dirty on the bottom. I vacuum the pool everyday, backwashed, and rinsed the filter then set the valve to filter. The next day the dirt was back. It seemed as i was vacuuming the pool, there was dirty water coming through jet in the pool. After I closed it, I emptied the sand from my filter and took the laterals to a pool store. They said my laterals were good and they advised me to replace the sand. So i did.
This year i opened the pool. New sand in the filter and everything was good. Now within the last month, I am vacuuming the pool everyday again. I vacuum the pool on filter setting. Backwash the filter until the eye glass is clean then I rinse for about 30 secs.
While vacuuming the pool I noticed the water is Dirty coming into the pool.
Yesterday a friend of mine told me to add algae cide. I did it last night and everything looked good this morning. This evening I looked at the pool and the pool is Dirty on the bottom again.
What is wrong or what am I doing wrong?
Please help,
This may be silly, but does the dirt look like the sand you put in the filter?

FWIW, you should never need to change the filter sand....except for one specific instance where you're changing your sanitation method ....if you're using chlorine this isn't you.

Backwashing is advised to occur only after an increase of 20-25% in PSI from baseline (clean sand)....if you are backwashing too much a sand filter can actually miss some of the tiny stuff. It's kinda like a K&N filter for cars, they filter better when a little dirty vs new.

If you don't "Rinse" after backwashing you will blow some crud into the pool as well...

Regarding the dirt in the bottom, I don't know where you live, but if you're in the Desert I can almost guarantee it's coming from the air. My pool gets a bit of dirt daily. It's due to the lack of new Sod, and the fact I live in the desert...sand blows here...even when you can't see it.
No it isn't sand. It's very fine dirt. When I brush it or move it with my foot, it forms a cloud. That's how fine it is. I was told to backwash after I vacuum the pool. I also rinse after backwashing. I did cut grass yesterday which could have caused some dirt to fly in the pool. But I am vacuuming everyday. I live outside of Louisvile, KY.
The people at the pool store said our chlorine was high. They told us to turn it down. They recommended us to add phosphorus, which we did. We added algae chemicals that night. Yesterday morning it was good. Yesterday evening the bottom was dirty. The bottom under the jet from the wall out to the pool is dirtier than the rest of the pool. This tells me the dirt is coming from the jet.
Without good test data, you'll never fix it. Probably a 90% chance your chlorine is too low for your CYA level. Pool store test results are not any better than rolling dice and making up numbers. No matter what your water is like, they are going to tell you to buy something whether you need it or not.
Welcome to TFP:wave:

EddieO said:
Yesterday a friend of mine told me to add algae cide.
Wouldn't bother adding algaecide based on a hunch. There are only a couple of situations where use of an algaecide is justified. Algaecides that contain metals (e.g., copper, silver, etc.) can lead to metal staining. Even if what you are seeing was algae, an algaecide would be ineffective against a visible bloom. While algaecides are effective at preventing algae, bleach alone in the proper quantity will also do that.

As for the fine dirt you are seeing, has it been windy lately? Is there construction going on nearby (especially if it involves earth moving equipment)? Have you had a fair amount of rain lately-especially if accompanied by high winds (thunderstorms)? Heavy rains can wash a lot of dirt out of the atmosphere as well as deposit dirt from surface run-off.

In late-winter & early-spring (a.k.a., wind season around here), we get this fine silt-like deposit that clouds up a bit when you brush the surface. Often times, this dirt is carried by the winds from hundreds of miles away. Extra filtering and vacuuming is needed to get rid of it. During this time, I also add some cellulose fiber to my sand filter to assist in getting rid of this fine dirt.
I went to the pool store 2 weeks ago before I posted on here and they tested my water and told me I needed phosphorous. I added the needed amount but still the bottom is dirty. My pool is going to be dirty no matter what the water test reads, correct?
I vacuumed the other day and immediately as I was vacuuming. there was dirt coming back in the jet. I had the filter set to filter mode while I was vacuuming. I don't want to waste water on the waste setting.
Eddie can you post a pic of it ? If it's dead algae when you disturb it, touch it say with your foot does it just disappear ?
I think it would be in your best interest to invest in one of the recommended test kits. A full set of accurate test results would be nice to look at to rule out a chemistry issue.
It sounds like perhaps there are two problems concurrently. 1. Re-occuring dirt in the pool. 2. Dirty water coming out of the return.
Lets look at these 1 at a time.
1. Re-occuring dirt in the pool. This could be due to environmental conditions, or it could be a problem with the water chemistry. Please post a copy or recent test results so we can analyze the numbers. Our interpretation of ok and the pool store's version of ok rarely match, so we need the results in order to troubleshoot your problem.

2. Dirty water returning to the pool. Have you checked the spider gasket on the multi-port valve? If it is loose or worn it may be letting dirt back into the pool.

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Welcome to the forum Eddie :wave:

"My pool is going to be dirty no matter what the water test reads, correct?"
When you go to the doctor and say you hurt he's going to ask where and then poke around to find out what level of pain. With a pool we need to see your test results to figure out if you have a problem with the chemistry of the water or if it is something being blow in or ???
Can you post the most recent results ??
CH ... whatever they gave you.

A picture of the water looking down into it would be great for us to get an idea of it's condition. Taking one looking down the steps is better for judging clarity and distance but if you also have one that shows the dirt on the bottom near that return jet too, all the better.

Can you please add your pools info as outlined here to your signature - - >
I get the same stuff, maybe not that intense every day but over about a week if I don't brush it looks like that. A local pool store told me it may be pollen, and to vacuum it to waste. I did once and it seemed to become less for about a month then kinda built back up. Apparently its so fine that my sand filter can't filter it effectively? Thats the pool store guys logic anyway. I look forward to seeing what these guys with experience on here have to say after seeing your (very good) pictures. I'm still new at maintaining a pool so I'm curious too!
Some reason I can't post any pics. It says I posted my limit. Anyway the pool guys said my pool doesn't need anything. He said to vacuum the pool to waste, brush the pool, and shock it tonight. Add algaecide tomorrow morning.

•30,000 gallons
• Sand
Some reason I can't post any pics. It says I posted my limit. Anyway the pool guys said my pool doesn't need anything. He said to vacuum the pool to waste, brush the pool, and shock it tonight. Add algaecide tomorrow morning.

•30,000 gallons
• Sand

Without test results, we can't help. Pool stores are so bad at water testing that you might as well guess, and their advice is just as bad.

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