Adjusting Polaris 360

Jun 24, 2014
Solomon, ks
My polaris 360 likes the deep end and the edges, but won't go to the center, shallow part of the pool. I've adjusted the small jet initially to the two-o'clock and hence forth between 12 and 3 in small increments. I clean the sock when there is about 1/2 to 1 cup of debris. Mostly un dissolved chemicals and some grit. It just seems to like living deep and on the edge. Could it be a personality trait?
See my pedigree for description of equipment.
My pool is balanced fairly close. Sometimes I imagine I can see the bottom of the deep end.
normally i start with the thrust jet pointing straight out the back then go for 7 o'clock. If the jet points up then it will tend to lift the front wheel and climb walls, if it points down then it will not climb as well and keeps the front wheel down. do you have the correct rotations (RPM)? Should be between 12 - 14. Has the Hose been cut to the correct length? + - 6" from furthermost part of the pool.
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