IntelliChem questions...


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Jul 9, 2009
I just installed my IntelliChem that I bought last year. Already had IntelliTouch and IC-60 running since pool was installed last year. The first thing that is really giving me trouble is what appears to be a step backwards in control of the IC-60. Without IntelliChem, I can control the IC-60 run percentage via Screen Logic from anywhere... even change it when out of town remotely if someone at home checks FC and see it low or high. But with IntelliChem installed, I see NO way of telling it NOT to control my IC-60. I have IntelliChem set to dose my IC-60 by time with 30 min dose and 10 min off time. Since I usually run my cell at 75%. And when it controls it, the ONLY way I can find to change the run time is via the IntelliChem front panel. Can't change it at all from Screen Logic. So I lose all remote control of IC-60 on time. If I need more or less than the 75% I cant do it remotely... and I can't tell IntelliChem to stop automatic control so I can get control again. Am I missing something here?

I have also read through all of the threads about IntelliChem... and I expected my initial ORP reading to be higher than it is... with the pool numbers at:
pH=7.6 (Intellichem matches this exactly)

my ORP is 625. I have only just turned on the IntelliChem... so I want to see what the readings are for a few days... my IntelliChem was purchased in 8/13... but I noticed it has old firmware (1.030) and the probes has April 14 dates on them. I wonder if this sat on the shelf for a year or more before I bought it.
There are two ways to set it up, either the IntelliChem controls the SWG, or the normal percentage based controls control the SWG. I believe that you tell the IntelliChem that you have a relay controlling a bleach pump to make it stop taking over the SWG.

In any case, as long as the IntelliChem is controlling the SWG directly, there are no settings to configure remotely, the SWG is controlled by the ORP reading, so no reason to have remote control over it. Of course I don't recommend using that mode, as ORP based control of a SWG is very problematic.

Your ORP reading is roughly what I would expect, if anything higher than I would expect. CYA in the water dramatically lowers the ORP reading, compared to what you would see without CYA.
Thanks, Jason.

I tried the "relay" option in set-up, but ScreenLogic showed on the IntelliChlor screen "Controlled by IntellChem"... may be that was a false display... but in any case, the IC settings were gone. Problem is that my old firmware only lets me go to 650 as the ORP setting... cant go lower... so it will have my IC always on at 100%... when I know that I am at the top of my FC range right now. From what I have read I now need to buy the programmer to get the latest firmware so I can set a lower ORP... never easy with this Pentair system. Hmmm.. now that I am thinking, there is an IntelliChem check box on the ScreenLogic Congif screens... I wonder if that turns off the IC control in screenlogic and not the IntelliChem setting directly. I will need to try that tomorrow.

I have it set up to dose based on time, not until ORP hits normal... that way I can make it run at my current percentage when controlled by IntelliChem for now, until I get familiar with the settings... I was also hoping to use the ORP reading to get a good guess at FC level when not home for a few days at a time and I cant test FC.
The ScreenLogic IntelliChem check box does enable/disable the IC-60 control screen... but unfortunately, it also controls the IntelliChem screens... so even if teh IntelliChem is not really controlling the IC60, if I want control of IC60 in screen logic I lose all my IntelliChem screens... very poor design.
Yeah... I am going to try the upgrade as soon as the programmer comes in so I can set the lower ORP target level.

Do you have a guess what change in ORP I can expect for every 1 ppm FC at my CYA level of 50? Rough approximation?
With CYA around 50, delta ORP for each 1 ppm of FC is somewhere around 12. However, the "noise" in the system is going to be somewhere around +-20, even under fairly ideal conditions, and the "noise" can be much higher depending on some factors that are difficult to predict. Here "noise" means changes in ORP that are from factors other than changes in FC levels.
I wouldn't waste your time - just remove the IC60 from intellichem control and control the percentage manually through screenlogic.

I have the exact same setup. What you will find is that the combination of TDS (from the salt), the CYA, and the gas produced by the Salt Cell will actually lower the ORP as FC goes up. As a result, the intellichem will continue to run the IC60 at 100% and it will never hit the target ORP that you set, sending FC through the roof.
jamcha06, how do you disable IntChem control of IC60 and control through screenlogic while still keeping IChem screenlogic screen? In ScreenLogic congif, when I enable the IChem checkbox I lose the IC60 control... if I disable it, I lose the IChem screen and status for pH... what am I missing here? How to control IC60 myself with ScreenLogic, but also keep teh IChem screenlogic screen so I can see the ORP and pH values? Best I have found is to let IChem control based on time... and set teh on/mix time to a certain percentage... but I'd rather have direct % control in screen logic and also see IChem values for FYI purposes.

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It's just an error on the screenlogic - it will always report intellichem in control.

Just go into the intellichem setup on the intellichem panel. I think it's buried in settings somewhere and change the doser to something other than intellichlor. This will allow you to adjust the settings manually through easytouch to control intellichlor
OK. I have tried to change the doseing to another method otehr than IC... that does release control.

When you say "through EasyTouch"... I have IntelliTouch... I assume you mean via direct interface like MobileTouch control? Which, unfortunately, does not give me remote capabilities... must be at home to adjust it.

I saw a post elsewhere that Pentair will be coming out with some updates this year... would have been nice to be at the beginning of the season. But I am guessing it will be the week after I close my pool. :(
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